What color should I paint my bathroom wall to match black cabinets? I do not want to use white because the counter top, tile, and toilet are white.
By kristi
I have done this and the look is sophisticated. Paint the walls a mocha tan. Good luck. (04/25/2010)
By Missy
Paint your walls silver and use bright red or burgundy towels with little black towels hung in the center of the red or burgundy ones, burgundy or red accessories, and a black and white checked shower curtain.
Or: Find a shower curtain you really have that has black and other colors in it. Match your paint to one of the colors in the shower curtain. With this, you can't miss! (04/26/2010)
By Cyinda
The bead curtain is so dramatic! I love it, but personally need more privacy. I'd carry over the other colors you're using for your home and mesh your bathroom with the rest of your home. I do like the ideas mentioned here though. Good luck. Send us a picture when you're finished, please. (04/26/2010)
By metroplex
I am all for using pink. I love the way the two colors look together. If you don't want to do the entire bathroom pink find a shower curtain with pink and other colors in it and use one of the other colors as an accent color. (04/27/2010)
By paula
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