She is very naughty, and doesn't stop amazing us with her tricks and the types of faces she makes.
By sanjay singh from New Delhi
Check out these photos.
Baxter is 5 year old Beagle. Baxter was a give away. He likes to run laps in the backyard. Baxter loves his walks and cries if he doesn't get to go.
Bailey is 14 years old and a purebred Beagle. We found Bailey at the Humane Society in Seneca County. My husband and I were going there to volunteer and walk some dogs.
Cooper is a 5 month old Beagle. I was walking my other dog Chompers, and he ran to a bush and started sniffing. I saw what looked like a stuffed animal. I went to look closer and it was a puppy!
Buster is a 6 month old Beagle. A friend of ours had a littler and we were spending the 4th of July with them and came home with a puppy, lol, and a cute one at that. He likes to chase our son, roll around and play, and go for walks.
My husband and I adopted Louie from the Huntsville animal shelter, here in North Alabama. Louie loves to shred every toy he gets!
Daisy is a 2 year old Beagle. She was the runt in a litter that our neighbor had. She was the smallest and feistiest of the group. She loves to run! Daisy loves to play.
Queenie is a 6 month old Beagle. My boyfriend went to get her in West Virginia, About a month ago. She likes to play with her animals, and is afraid of everything.
A year and a half ago, I saw Doodle's picture on an animal shelter's "adoptable pets" site and immediately fell in love with her. As soon as the shelter worker brought her out, that love intensified and Doodle became a permanent member of our family.
We rescued her from a local shelter. This was when she was about 8 months old. '
My husband found Chopper last summer at a construction site. Chopper had open wounds, major hair loss, and was full of fleas and ticks.
Lola is 6 weeks in the picture, now she is 4 months. She is a Beagle we purchased for my husband for Father's day. She likes to pester her sisters, a Boxer and a Red Bone Coonhound. She is an angel, except when she's not!
Lucy is a 4 month old Beagle. We got her a couple months ago, I had to travel almost 2 hours one way after a storm.
Baby is about 3 years old and is a Beagle. She was adopted from an animal shelter in Raleigh, NC. Of course she LOVES us...and she has her favorite chair and crocheted afghan that she pulls down on her when she gets cold.
Barnaby Frederick Jones is a 9 year old red and white Beagle. A friend and I found him abandoned in the middle of the road, in 2002, in the middle of the night pretty beat up.
Here is a picture of my miniature beagle Jake and his favorite toy at the beach. Jake is a real character. He is fully grown. He thinks he is a person and not a dog.
Molly is a beagle and Eie is a cat. They are both from an animal shelter.
Spot is 2 months old in the picture. She is a beagle. We went to a farm with our four year old daughter. We then went to see the puppies and told her she could choose one.
Sadie is a bouncing beautiful Beagle and is approximately 4 1/2 years old. . .