Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
You can make this gorgeous ruffly gift topper with a few folds and stitches using wide ribbon. If you want the loops to be bigger, just use a longer piece of ribbon and make the folded segments longer.
You will need 32 inches of ribbon for the topper then extra for wrapping around the gift.
Total Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 1 topper
- 2" wide wire-edged or sturdy ribbon
- scissors
- needle
- thread to match ribbon

- Take a segment of ribbon about 32 inches long. Fold in half once.

- Now repeat folding so you have 8 equal segments.

- Unfold. The ribbon should look like this.

- Accordion fold each segment so it's zig-zagging. Thread your needle, knot the end, then begin stitching the lower corner of every fold so it stays intact. You now have 4 large ribbon loops.

- Stitch your way across the base.

- Make a knot at the other base corner and cut.

- Now, for each fold you've created, at the upper fold, push it down to create a heart shape for every loop.

- Now you will have turned the 4 large loops into 8 smaller ones.

- Make a small knot stitch in the base corners.

- Now, use your fingers to fluff each of the 8 loops so they are puffy.

- Use more ribbon to criss-cross tie your gift, then stitch on the topper.

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Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts December 17, 20190 found this helpful
Beautiful gift topper :)

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts December 18, 20190 found this helpful
Thank you! :)
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