Please let your members know of all the dangers in using flea products, especially the on the spot treatment, "Bio Spot". This product almost killed my cat and dog, causing tremors, nervousness, vomiting, and hair loss. It can also cause kidney failure among other vital organ damage in your pet's body. There are cancer causing chemicals in this product, as well as other ingredients too, that can do damage instantly, or work slowly as time goes by ending in death or serious illness.
Thank you for your time.
By Trina'z from Castro Valley, CA
My vet told me that the Biospot treatments have the same flea and tick preventative medicine as Frontline, BUT they contain no chemical to carry the medicine from the dog's skin into his bloodstream. Thus, a huge dose of medicine sits on top of the dog's skin, providing flea protection for maybe a day or so, until it wears off. In the meantime, if your pet licks the spot, he can be seriously poisoned by the massive amount of medication not being absorbed into his system. There may also be other chemicals in the Biospot that made your dog sick. In short, those Biospots are at best worthless, and at worst, poison.
I tried Biospot shampoo on a cat we rescued. Washed the cat as directed (you have to leave it on a few minutes) then rinse thoroughly. It didn't kill all the fleas and she threw up for two days.