Check out these Christmas Cactus Photos shared by the ThriftyFun community!.
My Christmas cactus bloomed just in time for the holiday this morning. You can see another blossom ready to open, maybe I'll see it on Christmas morning. It is one of my favorite plants because even in the coldest days of winter I can still see the beauty of a flower.
I have grown Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera) for many years. Living in a mild and temperate climate, I get blooms a few times a year, and the colors are magnificent.
This is supposed to be a Christmas cactus, but it has bloomed only in the last week. My husband said it must be an Easter cactus. This is the first time it has had so many blooms at once.
A friend once called this bloom, 'Angel Wings.' The blooms will soon be opening in large numbers. Photographed with a digital camera in the morning under the patio cover.
The Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera) are not real Cactus plants. They are in the succulent family. These two are currently blooming on my North facing patio in partial shade.
In our mild and rather warmish climate near the coastal plain of S. California, our Christmas cactus often bloom in the summer. Here is one from August, 2016. Others on my Schlumbergera (name of Christmas cactus family) plant area are budding out now in September, 2016. The colors are amazing and neon!
Thor Olga is one of the first Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera) that I obtained. It always is so attractive with its red and white colors against the green of the foliage of the plant itself.
This beauty was actually two small Christmas cactuses my daughter and I purchased two years ago at Christmas time. After Christmas was over that year, we put them both together in a larger pot on my porch and watched how it flourished. It has grown quite a bit since then and it's flowers are always abundant. Love always grows just like the love I have for my daughter.
What nicer gardening decor than a blooming cactus. They make you come alive when they decide to bloom. I am lucky with the two large plants I have, because they bloom each season.
ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.
I left my Christmas cactus outside all summer and all fall. (I live in the south.) I brought it inside on Thanksgiving and it began to bloom.