Bok choy is a vegetable we're growing in our garden. Here's an easy soup you could make that is light, refreshing and perfect to pair with any rice meal.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: Less than 15 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Yield: 6 bowls
- 1/2 gal water
- 7 extra large shrimp
- 2 bundle bok choy
- 14 oz tofu
- 5-6 Tbsp fish sauce
- Dash of black pepper
- Sprinkle of salt
- 1/4 sliced onion

- Thaw shrimp in a bowl of water. In the meantime prep remaining ingredients - wash and cut bok choy leaves to your desired size. Cube tofu.
- Boil water in a large pot with sprinkle of salt.
- Add tofu and cook for a 4 minutes.
- Then add shrimp. Skim foam bubbles to make soup broth clear, and cook about 5 minutes.

- Add bok choy (submerge) and fish sauce. Cook for another 6 minutes. Turn off stove and allow to sit for a few minutes before serving.

- Optional: Top off with sliced onions and dash of black pepper for garnishing.