
Boy-Girl Sleepover Advice

November 13, 2007

Teens roasting marshmallows around a campfire.Would you let your 10 year old daughter have a boy/girl sleepover?




Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
November 13, 20072 found this helpful

Never in a million years! I wouldn't mix both male and female, you'd be asking for trouble.

November 13, 20070 found this helpful

Not even at gunpoint.

By lee (Guest Post)
November 13, 20070 found this helpful

Never! A a co-ed sleepover isn't necessary or appropriate ever.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 149 Feedbacks
November 13, 20071 found this helpful

This same question was posted by someone else a few weeks ago, go back in search for it. I think it had like 80+ post on it. You'll find most post were 12 yr olds saying yes, very few adults/parents respond and the ones who did strongly suggest NO. Being a mother of an already grown daughter I can tell for sure you will regret it so I say you definitely should not. My thought on it is this" anything that can done in fun should end when its time to go to sleep and send them all on home" because the nights over then and nothing else is left to do. And you should not lose sleep all night watching them and only problems can occur from it.


The other post was a boy/girl party sleepover, I think they were ages 12-14 yrs. Even if it's not your child who would get curious, other kids there might and if they got too curious and ended up pregnant or found out too much info you would feel terrible. I see you just mean two kids of age 10 boy/girl but I think it would set a beginning problem for you down the road when they would want more demands or request for more situations like that one. But, that's just my opinion due to prior experience of motherhood.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 169 Posts
November 13, 20070 found this helpful

Never! No,no, a thousand times no! Please do not let your girl have or attend one of these.

November 14, 20070 found this helpful

I vote with the overwhelming "no" faction, a reallllly big NO!

By teatimelady (Guest Post)
November 14, 20070 found this helpful

Absolutely no way. Maybe a slumber party with just girls. I personally think that boys and girls are put into situations where they are together and there is no need for it at these tender ages. Let the kids be kids while they can.


I remember having just girl slumber parties and we spent the better part of the time talking about boys and that was always fun. Good luck in your decision..deb

November 14, 20070 found this helpful

NO! I wouldn't let a child of any age have a boy/girl sleepover.

I teach high school. Trust me, it is hard enough keeping things under control in a classroom sometimes. I'd hate to be the adult responsible for keeping things under control in the living room overnight.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 107 Feedbacks
November 14, 20070 found this helpful

absolutely NOT!

By MawMawto5 (Guest Post)
November 14, 20070 found this helpful

You are setting up a path for a lot of future bad decisions. Tell your kid NO no matter how much they pout. You are the parent & they are the kid. Most parents would disapprove of you for allowing such a thing to happen. I would not want YOU to be in charge of my child or grandchild in any way. This is very irresponsible to even consider such a thing.


You would be responsible for what goes on & if something should happen you would be liable & we're talking possible jail time here. Be the parent & say no way. Let's think of something else that would be fun or it will be family time only.

By Regina (Guest Post)
November 14, 20070 found this helpful

My first thought was NO, because of the curiosity, at that age, and the start of girl/boy crazy thing, but ya know, if there isn't any concerns with inappropriate behaviors, and you know them well. Why not?

But of course, girls with Mom in the room, boys with Dad in another room or level in the house. Good Luck

November 14, 20070 found this helpful

absolutely no way!

By Debra In Colorado (Guest Post)
November 14, 20070 found this helpful

Did any one notice that the response looks like it was typed by a kid? Just wondering, and I agree 100% about no sleep overs!

By Rasta (Guest Post)
November 14, 20070 found this helpful

Asking for trouble! No way!

By chris m (Guest Post)
November 14, 20070 found this helpful

Nope, no way and no thanks

November 14, 20070 found this helpful

ok i take it as a no, thanx every1

By Mrs.C (Guest Post)
November 15, 20070 found this helpful

I think you should do what you feel is right. Having that type of sleepover, think about it and then write down the good and the bad and make your decision. As a mother of four boys and one daughter I wouldn't have a sleepover but would have a co-ed party and the girls could stay over after.


Plus the party would be full of games and actives to keep everyone very busy at all times.Even down to making some type of art project that they could make and take with them.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 121 Feedbacks
November 15, 20070 found this helpful

NO, asking for trouble. No sleep overs at any age, not even 30!!!!


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
November 17, 20070 found this helpful

NO do not open yourself to troubles.
Maybe the boys can come for small party, cake
and LEAVE and girls can stay ...

By Trina (Guest Post)
November 26, 20070 found this helpful

No, never. I am happy to see that everyone has said no. Boys should never be in a girls bedroom, (or visa-versa) even during the day. There just isn't any reason for it.


Also, beware, if your child wants to stay over at a friend's house and they have a opposite gender sibling around the same age. That could be asking for trouble too.

By Tanya (Guest Post)
November 29, 20070 found this helpful

Of course not - You'd have to be crazy.

By Andrea Francke (Guest Post)
November 30, 20070 found this helpful

Absolutely not! They're ten years old boys and girls who are becoming very aware their of differences and very curious about the opposite sex. While I"m sure you plan to supervise their every move, do you really want to set a precedent that this is acceptable? Would you want to host a boy-girl sleepover with high-schoolers? I do not think this is a good idea. A boy-girl party would suffice.

By (Guest Post)
December 4, 20071 found this helpful

I disagree with the majority. I believe that we, as a society, take something as innocent as a sleepover at a friends house and make it dirty and nasty. For the most part I bet your children don't even look at boys in any other way then a fun kid to be around. I am surprised at the number of people who drill into the minds of the young that boys and girls can't be friends, how close minded and old fashioned. My daugter is 10 years old and I know will one day take an interest in boys beyound the innocent playmate she sees them as now and when that time comes then different rules will come into play. But if we as paretns believe in our parenting and our ability to teach our child morals and values then why is this such an issue? I have spoken to my daughter about how I see it verses how the rest of the world sees it and I am happy to say that she is not only comfortable but confident about who she is and the friends she keeps. She will not allow society to convince her that because we have different body parts we should not really be friends.
A very proud mum.

By anonymos (Guest Post)
December 8, 20071 found this helpful

I would if I knew the parents really well because my 11 year old daughter is having a sleep over with a 10 year old boy tonight and I feel nothing against it as long as they sleep on different couches.

By claire (Guest Post)
December 13, 20070 found this helpful

I think a boy girl sleepover will be great (as long as people behave.) Think of ALL the fun you would have, besides when your friends come to sleepover and you have a sibling of a different gender it is basically the same!

By (Guest Post)
December 22, 20070 found this helpful

Kids are entering puberty a lot earlier than they used to, so my answer is no. Girls are acting a lot older than they really are these days and although they might not know what they are doing, a few of those girls will probably be tempted to copy something they've seen their older sister or some girl on t.v. do.
Why not just have a party for both sexes, and at night, send the boys home?

By Breana (Guest Post)
February 4, 20080 found this helpful

of course! why not? if you hold your daughter back from boys, she's just gonna want more! at least give her a glimpse of what it's like to sleep in the same room as a boy. if she doesn't enjoy it, then don't worry. if she does, well, you know it's not possible for it to happen again. if you were her age, what would you want?

By KYSHEA (Guest Post)
February 15, 20080 found this helpful

hi my names kyshea and i am 9 turning 10 and these are some tips on what you can do for your b'day,
put decorations up to make the place look prety.
#have a pillow fight
#scare your friend in the dark
#go in the pool at night
i always sleep in the tent and see who can stay in the longest with out getting scared.
you might be able to have a fashion show
you could play australian idol
you could evern do a ;pphoto shoot
its realy you choice, my choise would behave a pillow fight in the dark.

By minimouse (Guest Post)
March 16, 20081 found this helpful

IT's FINE! If the child is under 13 and you know the boys that will be staying then it's ok! Stop stressing!

March 16, 20080 found this helpful


January 8, 20090 found this helpful

No. No and No. Boys do boy things and girls do girl things. Do the boys want to come over and do each others hair and paint nails. I don't think so. Do the girls want to spend the night playing video games shotting things? I don't think so. Not a good idea.

July 24, 20162 found this helpful

That is one of the most sexist comentas I have even heard

August 22, 20160 found this helpful

Yes.You should let you child host a boy\girl sleepover.Then they will now what it feels like to sleep in the same room as a boy\girl if they don't like it they won't ask to go to another one for a while.

October 10, 20162 found this helpful

I am a tween, and I would like to voice my opinion: In 5th grade, my two best friends were boys. My other girl best friends were fighting, and it was too hard to balance my time between them without one getting mad at me or the other. I'm still friends with these boys today, and I mentioned the last time I went over to one of their houses, "Sometimes, I wish I was a boy so I could have sleepovers with you guys. I have sleepover with _ and _ all the time!"
I believe that me and my friends are mature enough. Many of our grade still "ew!" or giggle at any prospect of sexual mention. The whole thing about not knowing what's going on and being curious is stupid. What's wrong with sitting in the basement (in separate beds) watching movies and YouTube on the TV? Or crowding around the computer playing Minecraft? Honestly, real children aren't cliches. There's no giggling about boys at my sleepovers, just a lot of gaming talk. There's not going to be any 7 minutes in heaven- the two boys will probably end up in the closet together! Not that I'm saying I'm against homo, it's just less common than hetro.

But honestly, my parents trust me. They have already raised two fine siblings if mine, and they have faith in my. Have faith in your own kids. I hope this message makes it through.

November 19, 20160 found this helpful

I NEVER want to paint my nails or do my hair. I WANT to be playing video games. My mom always tells me I can't sleepover with boys. And all of my friends are boys. I am going through puberty, but my friends are like brothers. So, why shouldn't I be allowed to have a sleepover? I'm 11!

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 15, 2005

My 12 year old daughter wants to have a boy and girl sleepover, but I don't think its a good idea. Any advice?



October 17, 20090 found this helpful

Tell her that she could maybe have a boy/girl party and the boys can leave at a specific time and the girls can sleepover.

That or maybe if one of the boys was having a party have them meet you at a specific place. Then when it's time to go home the girls will go with the girls and the boys will go with the boys.

December 29, 20090 found this helpful

Well you don't need any boys sleeping over at all especially at 12 yrs old. I think it is a really bad idea.

January 19, 20102 found this helpful

I reckon you should trust your daughter a bit more dude.

June 19, 20110 found this helpful

I don't think a boy/girl party is good because we all know that inappropriate things can happen when you mix genders, especially at a sleepover. I defiantly give three thumbs down to this party idea. If she wants an older party let her invite her close friends and have a sleepover but not with boys. No boys at parties for girls under 16!

October 16, 20141 found this helpful

Hmm... It sounds to me like your daughter has heard some mention about sex at school and wants to try it. So my answer would be positively NO! I have a friend whose daughter became a mother at 14 because of swimming at school in the pool with a boy. I used to be a teacher and trust me, kids no more about sex then we think and school is the perfect place for them to learn about it...

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September 23, 2009

My 12 year old daughter wants to have a boy and girl sleepover, but I don't think its a good idea. Any advice?

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