I just got bitten or stung by something, I have no clue what it was. It's not itchy but my whole arm is throbbing.
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This can happen if you have bitten by a spider or even a wasp. Wasps are fast and a lot of time you don't see them coming when you are stung. To stop the swelling use some apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and place this on the bite. It will reduce the swelling and take the throbbing out of your arm. We have a lot of wasps here in the topics and at certain times of the year, they make their nest which you don't always see.
You say it is not itching but did not say if you were bitten inside or outside so this could be a number of different bug bites.
Mosquito bites usually itch right away but it's possible you have a spider bite since your arm is throbbing.
In any case, you need something to draw out the poison so it will not get infected.
Clean the area with soap and rinse well.
Try an ice pack first - ice cubes in a cloth will work - just move it around the area.
Epsom Salt is good - add salt to hot water and apply warm water/salt to bite - leave for 30 minutes.
There are other solutions but if this does not ease off and redness does not go away you probably should make a trip to a drug store and speak with a pharmacist to see what they recommend.
They should be able to tell you if you need to go to the emergency room or a one stop medial.
It could be a mosquito. Try putting baking soda on it to relieve the itch.
For bug bites and stings, many things will help with pain, swelling and itch. Ice the area first for about 10 minutes. Then try a baking soda paste (baking soda and a tiny bit of water), or a cotton ball soaked with vinegar OR ammonia, or cortizone cream, or caladryl lotion applied to the area. One of these will most likely work for you, even if you have to repeat several times a day for a few days.
Unfortunately without more information it's difficult to tell. Please see a doctor if any of these symptoms occur: chest pain, trouble breathing, fever, vomiting, red circles appear around the bite, or it begins to ooze liquid.
Please call your doctor. It doesn't look like a bite, it looks like the start of a cellulitis situation. Better safe than sorry. Prayers for healing.
See if there is any stinger to remove. Wash your bite area with soap and water. Apply cool compress. Apply hydrocortisone cream if you have. I also like to gently put a bandaid over so I don't itch.
Looks to be Mosquito bites, the signs include, -A puffy, white and reddish bump that appears a few minutes after the bite . - A hard itchy, reddish -brown bump, or multiple bumps, appearing a day or so after the bite or bites. - Small blisters instead of hard bumps.
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