Where can I purchase pickling vinegar? I want to use it to kill weeds.
Most pickle recipes call for white vinegar. White vinegar needs to have a 5% acidity level to use for pickling. Look at your vinegar label and see that it has 5% acidity and you can use it for pickling and cleaning. Everyone I know including myself use white vinegar to clean with. I also use it as a fabric softner when I wash my towels. I just buy a gallon of Heinz White Vinegar and others use generic and swear they see no difference. The generic is probally just fine but I use it in some of my recipes,plus pickling, and cleaning so I prefer Heinz.
They have a vinegar called cleaning vinegar, it has a 6% acidity level and should not be used for pickling or cooking. I just don't see a reason to pay thr extra money just for a cleaning vinegar when the white vinegar serves all my purposes. #beingfurgal
I believe you will find it in any grocery store.
Walmart, Target, any grocer
White vinegar will do the job. Buy the cheapest jug you can find at any supermarket.
For weed killing, plain white vinegar is what you need. This is sold in one gallon plastic jugs and any brand (cheapest) will do the trick. Walmart, Dollar General, Aldo's all sell a generic brand.