
Can I Give My Dog Canned Soup?

May 20, 2008

Can I give my dog canned soup? For example Habitant beef, chicken, or vegetable soup. Maybe giving 5 or 6 tablespoons and mix with the 2 cups of dry food I give her.


Crystal from Toronto, Canada


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
May 20, 20084 found this helpful
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If you can eat it USUALLY your dog can eat it (exceptions exist: chocolate, grapes, others). However, dog food is formulated for a dog and people soup may not have what a dog needs. As a supplement to dog food it is probably fine except that the dog is not stupid and may prefer this to regular food and stop eating his own food to try to hold out until you supply more of the desired food. ie: soup He/she may attempt to "train" you to drop the dog food and only give the soup. Many years experience with dogs and in a veterinary office has shown me this is possible. Just a thought...

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By (Guest Post)
May 23, 20080 found this helpful
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Due to high salt content, I would not give a dog canned soup of any kind. It will cause major kidney problems in the future, which can lead to kidney failure.


If you want to add veggies, just add raw or boile ones (but stay away from onions, potatoes)

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By Me (Guest Post)
May 23, 20081 found this helpful
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I agree about the salt. There are to many human foods you can give to them to resort to canned/processed human foods. And I'll clarify that any pure, lean & good foods that we eat can usually be eaten by dogs. If you search this site lots of people have given examples like carrots, apples, bananas, natural popcorn, lettuce, green beans, peas, chicken, pb, yogurt etc.

I posted a link to a site that tells you exactly what ingredients to look for in a dog's food. Just search for pet or dog food. If you can't find it I can supply it again. You didn't tell us why your dog isn't eating the dry food. Maybe she doesn't like it. That means you need to buy a better food. It will be better for her health too.

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
May 25, 20081 found this helpful
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As far as the salt content goes, this is what I do for my cat: I go to a Health Food Store or the area of a grocery store that sells "Specialty Foods" (usually for diabetics) & there you will find a NO sodium chicken broth, or at least LOW sodium chicken or beef broth that you can give to your dog. If you DO decide to give your dog regular canned soup, MAKE SURE the soup says LOW SODIUM or "Healthy Choice" on it, but, NO SODIUM at all is SO MUCH better for pets, & if you choose to give him anything with salt in it at all, make sure to provide extra clean drinking water for him!


* Beware of things like "Beef Jerky" for pets or humans, as these things are just LOADED with salt!

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March 1, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

Before feeding dogs canned soup you must double check the ingredients do not contain onions or garlic. Both are toxic to dogs. Onions can be fatal to dogs as they will cause the red blood cells to pop. Most soups contain heavy sodium good for neither animal or human and most contain MSG as well . . If you find a canned soup without any of those ingredients its most likely going to be very expensive. Much cheaper to buy a whole chicken remove the skin for less fat content and boil down to make a meat stock. Boil in the bag rice or egg noodles is an easy addition over his kibbles your dog will love. Be sure to remove all the bones and your dog eats well and you have piece of mind know its safe for your fuzzy buddy.

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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
April 13, 20210 found this helpful
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In general, I would look for low sodium soup or make it yourself. The salt can be a problem as can the addition of onions and garlic, which most soup has.


You could try watering the soup down to minimize the salt and that would help some. I think it might be best to donate the soups or use them yourself and give your dog proper food, without salt and onion/garlic.

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Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 378 Feedbacks
May 23, 20080 found this helpful

Waaaay too much salt, so thin it down with rice, oatmeal, or so on. Best not to use it for dogs at all!!

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July 3, 20181 found this helpful

Thank you I see my dog attempting to try that very thing to train me to give him what he wants

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December 19, 20180 found this helpful

She does eat dog food she just enjoys a cup of vegetable soup now and then

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February 21, 20190 found this helpful

I have a weim his name is Luke and have fed him lean hamburger and or chicken with only wild rice and peas and carrots all of his 10 years he is very problems.

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May 7, 20190 found this helpful

Yes, my lil girl puts on that act every day. It's good to know she's not the only one.

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July 19, 20200 found this helpful

I just got a 3 year old siberian husky and he won't touch any dog food we try for him. With the previous owner he ate his dog food what do I do

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April 12, 20210 found this helpful

Thanks for the reply, especially from a vet. If this thread is still active, does the salt, etc. pose a problem? Im trying to get rid of a bunch of healthy choice rice/chicken soup, can I give the dog one can per week and not worry about too much salt? Her diet is otherwise very healthy.


Edit: Medium size dog

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April 13, 20210 found this helpful

Isn't salt a mineral is minerals good for dogs and is there any kind of canned soup that may be good for them with rice

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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
April 14, 20210 found this helpful

Here is a link with more information about salt toxicity. I think that smaller animals will have more health concerns than a larger one.

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