
Caring for Chickens

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 297 Posts
November 18, 2010

Couple Caring for Their ChickensChickens and wild birds seem to have a positive genius for drowning themselves in cattle, horse, and other large watering tanks during dry weather. However, if you'll float a small board in such a container, the fowl will be able to climb up on the wood and save themselves.


Source: My grandparents.

By Monica from Cortez, CO

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

April 3, 2008

Just read the newsletter on chickens. Very interesting I might add but my question is: did these ladies let their chickens roam the yard or did they have them penned up? I live in the country and thought I may get a few for eggs. Plus you could eat the chickens too. Thanks in advance.



By Mandalyn (Guest Post)
April 3, 20080 found this helpful

I only let my girls out when we are home so we can kinda keep an eye on them. We just open the coop door when we get home in the afternoon and let them roam. They'll go back into the coop on their own to roost when the sun starts setting. I don't think I'd let them just run free when you aren't there or especially if you haven't got a fenced in yard. Keep in mind that EVERYTHING eats chicken, so if you have a dog you might want to bring it in when you let them out. Also keep an eye out for Hawks because they'll just swoop down and carry them away if they don't have anything close by to hide under.


A rooster comes in handy here because he will keep a lookout and herd his girls to safer territory if he spots one. Since you live in the country, his crows shouldn't be a problem, plus having a male around keeps the ladies happy! Also know that they are scratchers by nature and don't let them loose if you have a garden or flowerbeds because they might just do a little landscaping for you that you don't really want! I hope this helps to encourage you to get some chickens! Good luck!

April 3, 20080 found this helpful

My hubby says you need to put them up to protect them from the varmits. J. B.

By (Guest Post)
April 4, 20080 found this helpful

I have had Chickens all my life, Every kind you can imagine.

I Grew up in the country, and have lived in the country my entire life, I have always let my Chickens Run from Sunup to Sundown. Yes hawks can be a problem, But thats mostly for smaller birds like bantums or young chickens, When i was 16 I lost count of my hens, last count had been over 1000, They roamed free everyday, I only recall ever loosing 2 to hawks and a mother with a newly hatched litter, all were Bantums,{small} Most varmints hunt chicken in the night, or evenings, So that is the most crucial time to have them closed in and secured.


In the Early spring and late fall is the time to be more careful as the hawks are more hungry and thus more apt to swoop down and steal a chicken, One thing Must be noted, Even if you are right beside your hen it will not always stop a hawk from doing what it does best, HUNT! My last casualty was last fall, A small chicken only a few months old, scratching in my garden, Wide open air, seen nothing, yet right in arms length this hawk swooped in a stole the chicken.

It was really amazing how quickly and efficiently they hunt, in a matter of seconds the chicken was grabbed, killed and gone. There is no thing as time to respond, It's over before it started. If you have larger hens, Such as the Red egg layers, (Rhode island reds) and they are fully grown as most of mine are, then it's pretty safe to let them out every day. No more likely of them getting carried off during the day then it is for you to get hit by a car, anything can happen. My red hens are even let out on nice days in the winter when their is some bare grown.


If you have neighbours You may want to check with them, Because hens do roam within certain short distances. My neighbours are all animal folks, so its never a problem for me. If you have flower beds or a garden then you will have a problem.

I don't usually have flower beds, but when I do they have to be contained with wire to keep the hens out, They will destroy a bed rather quickly if they set their minds to it,
Hens love soil, They must dust in its, It is there means of Itching themselves, If you are going to plant a garden, and can't contain it, Then keep your hens contained in pens until the garden is grow enough, you may still loose some of your garden, but I've always had good luck this way. If there is a problem letting them run all day, then you can always let them out an hour or two before dark, this way they have less time to do damage, run off to a neigbours before heading back to the roost at night, Hens are totally blind in the dark, they are not like us, they don't see at all!,


For this reason they are extremely valuable at nighttime, if something got in with them they won't even make a fuss, you'll just go out in the morning and all will be dead. For this reason I keep night lights in all my hen pens. If a hen can see she will put on quite a racket trying to stay alive, Thus you may hear it and be able to respond and save them.. If you have stray dogs or your neighbours has a dog, If they get loose, most big dogs, if not familiar with hens, can & will kill your hens, There is more chickens killed by neighbouring dogs then any other creature out there!


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
April 5, 20080 found this helpful

My aunt kept hers up in airy cages that were always kept tidy as chickens on the loose eat the poop they make. They scratch the ground. Another aunt kept the running loose and they had quite a lot of space.

October 26, 20100 found this helpful

We have a smallish back garden (70' x 35') and our four girls have a shed, a covered area and a fenced in area across the width at the bottom of it. I like them free in the garden, but they do leave a lot of poop - particularly near the back door, where they like to congregate for treats!

July 12, 20110 found this helpful

I have chickens that have a covered pen that they go into at nite. Skunks are our problem. Daytime our older chickens get to roam another part of the enclosed fenced in yard but not covered. Then another section is for our garden that is enclosed also separately. If you keep their wings clipped they can't fly into the garden.


I grow more then what we eat so the chickens can have it. Plus when we're finished with the garden then they can have at it. They love it, and so do we. No more weeds to pull, besides that they fertilizer it also for next summer.

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April 30, 2010

How many ticks can chickens eat in a day?

By bev from Hudson, WI


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
May 1, 20100 found this helpful

Here's a site that might be able to answer your question if you ask them. There's a contact button at the bottom of the web page:

May 2, 20100 found this helpful

Guienes have beautiful feathers but they are very loud talkers. I used to live on 5 acres next to a neighbor on 5 acres who raised guienes hens. He couldn't keep his hens from crossing the fence. They were soooo loud and seemed to love to talk and cackle up a storm resting under our house, especially on weekends when we wanted to catch a couple extra zzz's!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
May 15, 20100 found this helpful

Not nearly enough.

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March 14, 2012

My small flock, all ages of pet chickens, at times develop diarrhea. (crusts of "BM" on their rears). Anyone know of a cure, cause, or treatment? I have tried moving each bird to separate pen with clean food/water. This does not help.

By jerry from Yorktown, VA


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
March 17, 20120 found this helpful

Add one-half tablespoon of Epsom salt to the affected chicken's feed. You can also feed your diarrhea-afflicted chicken wheat bran moistened with sour milk or buttermilk.

There are some ways to help that are covered in the links above. I would never use the kerosene that was mentioned in the Almanac link.

Blessings, Robyn

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June 17, 2010

I am looking for ideas on how to raise chickens in your backyard. We have raised lambs, and they are very tasty. Now we are trying our hand at raising chickens for 3 reasons:

  1. to eat all the hoards of grasshoppers
  2. fresh eggs
  3. fresh meat

We started this endeavor with 21 chicks from the feedstore. We are in the process of building the coop. I am looking for ideas to get the most for our money.

By Lindsay from Parowan, UT


June 18, 20100 found this helpful

Although I live in the suburbs I enjoy Mother Earth News. Their website often has articles on raising chickens.

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May 28, 2009

What kills fleas on chickens and in their pens?

By tina from Juncton, TX


May 29, 20090 found this helpful

diatomaceous earth

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June 17, 2017

This page documents the growth and development of backyard pet chickens over a six week period. This is a page about chicks week-by-week (weeks 1-6).

week 1 no 1

April 28, 2017

Removing waste, old straw, nesting materials, and bedding are some of the things to attend to when cleaning your chicken coop or pen. Use caution if you choose to use cleaning or disinfecting products as they can harm the birds. This is a page about cleaning a chicken pen.

A chicken pen with a rooster inside.

May 23, 2017

Prior to bringing home your new chicks you will want to get all of your supplies and set out their brooder box. Then the fun begins. This is a page about getting ready to raise chicks.

chick feeder

April 6, 2019

Giving your brooder chicks the opportunity to roost will give them a head start for life in the chicken coop. This is a page about how to build a brooder box perch for chicks.

chick on perch

March 3, 2016

This is a page about winter care for your chickens. Chickens can use some special care during the depths of winter.

Chickens in the snow.  Two white and grey chickens are centered and two more chickens are in front of a hen house

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