Rolly pollies, also known as pill bugs, aren't insects. They are more alike to the living things such as shrimp, crabs, and lobsters. The pill bugs have exoskeletons and a hard shell.
They need a moist environment, so put a few drops of water in. Put in some rocks or dirt to let the roly pollies hide in. They like to eat lettuce, squash, carrots, apples, cardboard, paper, or a bit of chips. When you are feeding pillbugs don't overfeed them or if you do, the result is dead pollies. If you don't know what to put your rolly pollies in for a home, I will recommend a plastic container with holes poked through. You will have to put in some dirt then put some grass. That will satisfy the pillbugs as they roam around.
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Caring for rolly Pollies
I should of had read this. I over fed mine. The next morning...
Thank you
Great advice! Me and my friend Taryn are going to make a little bug army with Roly Pollies, caterpillers, ladybugs, etc. Thanks so much! Give us a good luck for our army X3
I have a giant flower pot with high sides. Created a mini eco-system. Introduced about 4 pillbugs now have hundreds after generations of babies and have spread them through other pots in the house as they seem to eat house plant fly eggs! Yay! I added live moss. Fish tank decor. Live plants and shells that would work for hermit crabs.
I thought that mine were all dead until I saw pepper (my favorite pill bug) come out with 7 babies! I love them so much
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