
Cat Lost Fur?

Cat Lost FurMy cat is an about 9 - 10 week old rescue and his owner was neglectful. They let him get bitten by fleas, which are gone and he has small patches of fur missing on his arms, face, and ears. I am starting to get concerned even though people say it will grow back. He's happy and seems healthy, but I just want to make sure.


fur missing behind ears
Cat Lost Fur

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September 19, 20160 found this helpful

I have never seen anything quite like that. I would be on the way to my Vet for an opinion. Skin issues can move pretty fast. I would have that checked out.

April 28, 20170 found this helpful

It might be a food allergy. My ginger tabby had a similar case with the belly and ears. It was a food allergy.

April 2, 20170 found this helpful

I know this is maybe a few months too late but it looks like ringworm. Circular lesions and dry skin on the ears.


Ringworm can be a long process to treat and therefore expensive but is coverable by insurance.

May 12, 20170 found this helpful

2 years back my young tomcat got ringworm after getting it at the hospital where he was neutered. After looking up in google, I applied Neosporin ointment on his patch. He was healed within 7 days. The ringworm hasn't returned after that. My tom is a house cat.


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