
Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box

I have a 4 year old male cat. He has decided that his litter box is used for #2 only. He has found it more comfortable to urinate on everything in the basement and under my bed instead of in his litter box. I have a laundry shoot and when the clothes hit the floor, if I don't get down there fast enough, he has already urinated on them. I have more ruined clothes than anything. I need to know what can I use to get the urine smell out of my house? What can I do to keep him for doing this in the future.


Jessica from Roseville, MI


Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box

Some cats do not like urinating and defecating in the same box. I would try buying another litter box and placing it some distance away from the other. In another room if you have the space. If this started happening suddenly I strongly urge you to take him to your vet. If he is having difficulty and pain while urinating, he may be "blaming" the box and going elsewhere. Male cats are especially susceptible to urinary tract problems.

AS for getting the smell out, you can use a water and vinegar mixture to clean fresh stains, but you'll have to get an enzymatic odor remover to completely remove the smell (or else risk having your cat pee there again!).

that link has a couple different products on it. (11/29/2005)

By Melissa

Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box


Sounds like he has a Urinary Tract Infection. Cats are not smart enough to understand why they hurt, so he assumes it is going in his box that made him hurt, so if he pees somewhere else it would not hurt. I had a cat that kept doing this, now we buy him renal food and no more peeing outside the box! PS he also had antibiotics from the vet. (11/29/2005)

By Sarah_bellum

Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box

My neighbor had that problem once & she was advised to have him neutered. Something about marking his territory. (11/29/2005)

By Sherry

Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box

My cat started doing the same thing after I began using a deodorant in his box and using fabric softener in my wash. They had a similar smell.I started putting soda in the litter box and changed fabric softener. He immediately went back to the box with no problem. Hope this helps (11/29/2005)


By Betty Webb

Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box

Tom cats are just naturally lazy they can ruin a house in a very short time especially if you have carpet, you can never really ever get the smell out I don't think. I have tried everything short of burning the house down just decided it is easier to have females. (11/30/2005)

By Joyce Barker

Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box

Get the cat checked out by the vet to assure the problem is not medical. Then retrain the little darling by confining him to the litter box area at all times. I was fortunate to have a small bathroom where I could lock my female Persian AT ALL TIMES when she was not directly supervised. The smaller the area, the more likely he will be to keep his messes in his litter box and keep the rest of his area, complete w/bedding, food and water CLEAN. This usually takes about a week, and is much easier w/tile flooring!


It could be the litter brand, familiar smells, or any number of different queues he is receiving causing him to pee inappropriately. When he is re-box trained, and you have used an appropriate urine cleanser such as Nature's Miracle followed up by vinegar and baking soda to remove any traces of odors, you can attempt to make your laundry shoot area less appealing. Can you place a tall hamper under the shoot? or leave a layer of foil on the floor where the clothes fall? Spraying the area w/apple bitters, using red pepper or "SCAT" type products can make his "favorite" old spots less appealing, and help him continue to seek his box. A second box is most helpful, but not always the owner's first choice. It DOES help! Good luck! (11/30/2005)


By Sandra

Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box

I am having the same problem except my cat won't use the litter box for #2 but will pee in it!!
I started using a different litter and not sure if that is it or not.
She is quite a big cat and am thinking the pan is not big enough for her to feel comfortable going #2 in.
I am doing some research so will post any findings for you.

By Lorelee Gordon

Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box

Clean clothes with white vinegar and place bowls of vinegar over slices of fruit where he is apt to do his duty. (12/12/2005)

By Julie

Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box

I have a female cat that I have had for about 3 months she is about 5-6 years old. She did fine with the litter box the first 2 months but the past month she has been peeing right outside her liter box on the ceramic tile. Just does #2 in the box then pees right after she steps out. Its driving me crazy. I tried taking the top off thinking maybe she does not like the enclosure but still did it. any suggestions?


I guess Im fortunate its not on clothes but it is at times getting on the wood floors where it meets the tile. (07/07/2007)

By julie

Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box

My 5 year old neutered male sprays. Yes. In the house. I have tried everything, Feliway, cleaning up with vet supplied enzyme cleaners, reprimanding, spray bottles, not reprimanding.

But there are just a lot of other cats in the neighborhood, some of which spray my front door too so now I just hang cheap tissue paper with painters tape where he sprays, take it down and replace it. Funny, I put the pee paper in the garbage and he has never sprayed the garbage can!

I hit on the tissue paper idea when I discovered he had sprayed my computer case which sits on the floor. No no little man! (07/08/2007)

By Shera

RE: Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box

Cat Not Peeing in the Litter Box

We had a cat that did this and we switched to a brand of litter called 'cat attract' It is a little more expensive so we mix it with the cheaper litter, but boy has it helped! (07/10/2007)

By Corrie Rowe

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