
Cat Peeing Outside Litter Box?

I was cleaning my cat's litter box last night and he walked by me and peed right in front of me away from his litter box. This is the first time he has done this. Tonight I went to clean his box again and I smelled something and he peed in the same spot and on his rug under the litter box. Does this mean he's sick? He drinks enough water, because he drinks from the bathroom tub and the faucet. I changed his food amonth ago, but no problems. Help please.


By Christine

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June 22, 20120 found this helpful

He may have a bladder infection. Check that out. I hate to tell you this, but my cat now ignores his litter box and instead uses newspaper that I put down in a non-carpeted corner. He just decided that he didn't need to use the litter box. I hope that is not the case for your cat.

February 21, 20150 found this helpful

Yes may be a medical problem.

Some quick solutions:
- If there is a change in toilet behavior with no obvious cause, it may be caused by illnesses such as urinary tract infections, blocked anal glands, worms and parasites, diabetes and tumors. These illnesses may have no other obvious signs, apart from this urination problem. So you must consider a visit to the vet. In other cases you may see symptoms such as lethargy, blood in the urine, diarrhea, or constant licking in the anal area. If you see this, then your first stop is the vet!


- Look at the litter box itself. Ensure youre cleaning out the waste once or twice a day, and changing the litter every 3-4 days for non-clumping litter (2-3 weeks for clumping litter). Clean the tray with hot water and mild detergent, without any strong odors such as citrus or ammonia, which will repel the cat from the box. If you have multiple cats, remember the number of trays should equal number of cats, plus one or two. If youve changed brands of litter, this may have caused the problem as many cats dislike this change, especially to scented litter. Return to the older litter. If you want to change, introduce unscented litter gradually by mixing the old with the new over 2 weeks. And ensure that the location of the box is acceptable: no loud noises, has some privacy, and is not in view of other cats.


- Consider adding in 1 more litter box to another suitable private location of the house. This is because sometimes its not the litter box thats the problem, but a negative experience there. For example, if your kids played with the cat while she was on the litter box, or if the cat had pain when urinating, such as during a urine infection, after having kittens, or had a procedure done on the bladder or urethra at the vet, then the cat would associate pain with that litter box. Even if the pain is gone, the association and is still there.

For more visit: catpeeingoutsidelitterbox.blogspot.../.../stop-cat-peeing-outside-litter-box...


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