
Cat Peeing on Clothes?

I just brought home a 5 month old cat who isn't fixed yet. It's been two days since I brought him home and he's only used the bathroom 3 times since he's been here, once in the litter box and the other times on my bed/clothes. Earlier today is the time he used the litter box, but only because I closed him off in the bathroom while my boyfriend and I weren't home.


He just started eating this morning and because he used the litter box I thought he was making progress. Am I freaking out too soon? Is there anything I can do to speed along the process so he doesn't have to be locked in the bathroom at all times? He came from a house with a lot of animals and didn't seem to have any problems there. Please help! I've grown very attached and would hate to have to get rid of him.

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December 17, 20150 found this helpful

He's nervous and marking his territory. Getting him neutered will probably help.
Put your clothes away or in a hamper and close the door to your room and in fact all other rooms that have doors while the cat is out of the bathroom so he can investigate his new territory.


The quickly he learns he is safe there the faster this will go.


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December 19, 20150 found this helpful

When you adopt a pet, the animal becomes part of your family and you are responsible for providing love, proper environment, medicare care and nutrition. Pets have emotions, just like you, and need time to learn and adjust to new environments. A pet is not a stuffed animal that you just "get rid of" if there is a problem.

Your new kitty is in a completely new situation and needs to explore and become familiar with his new house, the people, etc. Like all male cats, he will most probably continue to mark his territory with urine. If you want to control the marking and peeing in general, neutering is the best first step-as soon as possible.


Local animal shelters usually provide reasonably priced neutering. You should also immediately take him to your vet for a check re any medical problems, vaccines needed, worming, proper food for his age, etc. This is especially important as he most probably has not had any medical checks before. The most cost-effective medical plan for pets is to provide any medical checks and needed medical care as soon as possible. Delaying medical checks and needed treatment may result in more costly medical care.

June 16, 20160 found this helpful

We have 2 male cats. Both are neutered.
Also both have been declawed"front paws".
The one cat we have had about 3 years the other about 9 months. The cat we had for 3 years has started peeing on laundry as well. Which is becoming a big problem!


What should i do?
Also why is it they say declawing is wrong and inhumane but neutering is just fine?
Im sure they are both very painful and if it is to be a inside cat only. I feel they are both important!

August 21, 20160 found this helpful

Since I moved my cat will not stop misbehaving by not listeing and peeing on my cloths. We have lived togeather for over a year and he is two laundry loads away from being thrown out the house. I love animals and I love him but I just cannot handle it.

November 1, 20160 found this helpful

Because by declawing a cat you are not only taking away the only form of defense those little guys have, but later on down the road they can get infections in their paws, and other diseases such as arthritis.


As for fixing them, it's something people don't have a choice on. They breed like rabbits, and Males spray everything if they aren't fixed, not to mention overly aggressive.

December 9, 20160 found this helpful

They are both probably uncomfortable recovery processes, however neutering serves the purpose of population control ect. Whereas declawing serves the purpose of protecting belongings. When you declaw a cat it's like cutting off the top of your finger from the last knuckle up. It also prevents them from stretching out their joints which can lead to premature arthritis. On a side note if your cat were to get out they don't have that line of defense the claws provide. I provide my cats with multiple scratching posts/boards and they do not scratch at my furniture. Hope this was helpful!


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