Check with your electric company for savings you may be overlooking. This is especially true if you are on a co-op system, and often also true if you are on a town electrical system.
- Many electric companies offer a discount if you live in an all electric home (no natural gas or propane). Call them and ask.
- Most co-ops and many electric companies offer rebates when you replace an electric appliance with one that is energy star rated. This can include dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers, heat pumps, furnace, A/C and more.
- Many companies will offer a free or very inexpensive home audit. They will come out to your home, by appointment, and check for air leaks and appliances that draw more electric current than they should. They will then offer solutions to you on how to correct any issues they may find.
- Shop at the co-op or electric company. Many let you shop there even if you are not their customer. Shop for what?? Many offer LED and CFL bulbs, hot water heaters, furnaces, space heaters, heat pumps and more at a discount over other stores. Some will also install them for you, and some will also allow you to make payments on them as part of your electric bill each month, at better interest than the bank, or no interest at all.
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