
Child Safe Remedy for Fleas

Does anyone have a healthy remedy for fleas? I have an 8 month old who plays on the floor and I don't want to risk harmful chemicals with my child.

Alisha in Massachusetts


Child Safe Remedy for Fleas

A couple of years ago we had a flea infestation. I tried everything! To save you time and money, I highly recommend going to your vet and getting a flea elimination product called "KNOCKOUT". I sprayed this all over the carpet, furniture and anywhere they were. I did this at night because it is suppose to be safe once dry. I vacuumed every day at least 2-3 times. I did this for 3 days and there were no more fleas.


After no flea activity for a couple weeks, I then shampooed my carpets. Then the little fellers were gone! Fleas are no fun and they multiply before your eyes. Also, before you go through the work of getting rid of the fleas, you need to get rid of the source. The only thing that worked for my cats was Advantage Plus. They die & don't return on the animal and it lasts for 1 month. Good Luck! (08/10/2004)

By Shiela

Child Safe Remedy for Fleas

Several years ago my friend used the following idea. Take a tin pie pan (from one of those pre-made pie crusts) and fill it 1/2 way with water and then add dish detergent. Place this in the middle of the floor and beside it place a desk lamp and aim the light so that it reflects into the water. The fleas are attracted to the light and jump right into the sudsy water and drown!


In the morning you just pour the solution and dead critters down the drain, pick up the lamp and then there is nothing for the little tyke to get into. You will have to do this for several nights as the flea eggs hatch and new adult fleas are out and about. She said that it worked pretty good, but she had a small apartment. Hope that this works for you. (08/10/2004)

By Elizabeth J. Hollingsworth

Child Safe Remedy for Fleas

I was told by an exterminator to put moth balls in the vacuum cleaner bag once the house has been treated. This will kill the adults and any fleas that hatch later in the bag will also die. Vacuum every day 2-3 times a day and toss the bag every 3 days. Add a new moth ball every time you change the bag to keep them away. (10/20/2005)

By maria

Child Safe Remedy for Fleas

I'm not sure about treating the house, but I used baby shampoo on my dogs, rather than flea shampoo - cheaper, safer and it actually worked better for me.


I have also seen lots of posts regarding Dawn dish soap - and they do use that on animals in oil spills, so it must be fairly safe as well. I haven't tried that one myself, though. (10/01/2006)

By cressie

Child Safe Remedy for Fleas

Forget those soapy water deals when you have a little one crawling around! I have a little one, too. So I looked at my friend Ebay, and found flea traps, also called flea lamps. There are 2 styles: those that plug in and sit directly on the outlet, and those with a cord. I prefer those with a cord, as I move it toward the center of the room at night, and put it under the couch or coffee table during the day. They run on ordinary night-light bulbs, with a sticky pad to catch fleas, etc. The pad is covered with a grid-like plastic cover, and we have had no trouble teaching Gracie not to touch. The one time she did play with it, she pulled off the cover and waved it around. The fleas can not get loose from the pad, and you can get refills dirt cheap (also Ebay). I have one in every carpeted room, and we had barely any trouble this year. We still collar and neck-drop the cats, though. (08/19/2007)


By Allie

Child Safe Remedy for Fleas

I was looking on this website for flea remedies and someone mentioned Skin so Soft. Well I have a little one myself and was worried about poison around the house. But I tried baby oil, really. I have a medium long haired dog and it's safe to say fleas were a real problem. We took him for shots, pills, and nothing was working. After he had his hair shaved for the summer I rubbed Coco in Baby oil and they died almost instantly. It was great and is safe with children. (08/03/2008)

By Savannah

Child Safe Remedy for Fleas

While I don't know the best way to get rid of a flea infestation, I am very dedicated to preventing them. I adopted a dog a year ago and was very hesitant to use the store flea and tick products. I like to research the herbal remedies to keep my pets as safe as possible. I also spoke with a holistic vet who said he never uses chemicals on his own dogs, especially because he has children around.


He gave me some other alternatives and I also found a little article that lists a few helpful tips on natural ways to prevent fleas and ticks. It seems to be working great and even if it isn't 100% effective, it's helped to make my dog healthier. Good luck! (05/23/2009)

By Michelle

Child Safe Remedy for Fleas

The dish washing liquid kills the fleas well, but does not kill the eggs so the fleas come back in a few days. I guess you have to wash them in it everyday. Big kitties don't like being washed! (07/08/2009)

By Donna Pilgrim

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