This page contains the following solutions.
My husband and I planted marigolds and herbs (dill, parsley and basil) in the 2 holes of each cinder block surrounding our small garden plots. This would be especially good for peppermint and catnip that tend to spread all over.
By Ellen from Ware, MA
I like to use old cinder blocks to plant things in. When they get big enough, I move them. It is hard for the birds to get into the block or the cats to dig them out before they have grown big enough to transplant. Here are how some of mine look in my garden, I am starting tomato seeds and some wildflowers in a few of them.
By Robyn Fed from Tri-Cities, TN
We have a few cinder blocks in our front garden. I plant things in them. During the cold months, I cover them up with tiles I bought from the home improvement store. We decided to paint them, and this is how it turned out.
We are going to try different paints, but we used left over paint by number paints, to begin with.
By Robyn Fed from Tri-Cities, TN
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
How do you make a planter out of cinder blocks?
Here is a really cute project for making planters out of cinder blocks that we just posted.
I have a concrete slab and I want to build a block flower container in a square pattern on top of the slab. My question is do I have to use an adhesive to secure the blocks or can I put the mortar directly on the concrete and begin building the wall? Or other ideas?
By Sally
This is a page about making a cinder block step planter. Cinder blocks are great containers for alkaline loving plants, and work well to create a layered planter.