For years I've used baking soda to clean inside my refrigerator and freezer. I've found something I think I like better. Peroxide.
Baking soda does a very good job of cleaning the fridge and leaves it odorless. But, there's always the residue to wipe away.
I keep a very small spray bottle of peroxide at the sink. I spray the faucet and handles with it as they can grow mold due to constant moisture.
Today, I got the bright (?) idea of using peroxide to clean my freezer. A few squirts from my little bottle and a quick wipe and I'm done. No residue to wipe away. I like.
3%, 10 volume, $1.00 qt. at Dollar tree
Oh, I also like the 3 pack of little travel bottles from Dollar Tree. Two are flip top and one is a spray bottle as shown here.
Peroxide needs to be in a dark container. Cover it with foil or duct tape. It reacts with light and ceases being peroxide.
I do have spray bottles of peroxide under every sink.