To clean the mirror in bathroom when it has hair spray on it, use warm water on a rag and wipe it good. Then use paper towels or a dry rag to dry it. This works GREAT!
By Sandra
Rubbing alchohol works great also. (06/24/2004)
By Peggy
I recently saw a show where they coated a clean bathroom mirror with shaving cream, then wiped it off. It kept the mirror from fogging up, the next time the shower was used. Sounds like it might prevent the hairspray from sticking to it, too.
It's worth a try! (12/31/2004)
By Jeanette
Rubbing alcohol worked better than anything we had tried. It was great and so easy! (07/01/2005)
By Barbara
To clean hairspray easily off a mirror, scrape the surface with a straight edged razer blade, then wipe clean. Unfortunately this will not work for any surface that will be damaged by the razer blade. (11/19/2006)
By Tracie
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