
Cleaning Ink Out of a Dryer

Is it safe to use alcohol in your dryer to get pen ink stains out?

Kristen from Winston Salem, NC


Cleaning Ink Out of a Dryer

I was told by the Maytag repair man to get ink stains off the inside of the dryer only to use Aqua Net hairspray. Spray it on a cloth and rub the stain. It works life a charm and doesn't harm the finish at all. It also doesn't leave any vapors that could cause a fire as well. (03/24/2009)


By Laura

Cleaning Ink Out of a Dryer

(Submitted via email)

I tried a few of the suggested ideas, they worked a little bit. Did not like the fumes. I went to the hardware store and got Motsenbocker's Lift Off 3/Graffiti remover. It cut the ink in half, then we used Barkeeper's Friend. With some rubbing it came off. I was amazed. Then I got an old towel, wet it and ran it through the dryer. The best thing is they are water-based and biodegradable. Cathy S (04/02/2009)

By Sally

Cleaning Ink Out of a Dryer

The towels soaked in bleach worked pretty well. I had to run it through quite a few times (I'd say like about 8 times) and it got off the majority except for the bigger splotches. I tried the Magic Eraser and that didn't do a thing. I'm thinking that might work better if you get to the stain sooner than later. I'm working on an incident that happened a week ago. I'm going to try a few more things and will let you know. My dryer by the way is a Whirlpool Spot Duet. (05/29/2009)


By Nancy

Cleaning Ink Out of a Dryer

Used a product called GOOF OFF, it's similar to paint remover. I put some on a paper towel and rubbed ink spots off the inside of my white dryer drum (there were hundreds of ink spots from a pen in dryer). Gives off wicked fumes but worked great. Open windows or use fan for fresh air. (06/10/2009)

By tom

Cleaning Ink Out of a Dryer

Thanks! I began to use some oxyclean for rugs in the green bottle, along with a nylon scrubby. The dark spot spread and I was afraid I was rubbing off the surface of the dryer drum. I did use a Mr. Clean Eraser, and VOILA! The ink disappeared, as well as what I thought was the finish coming off. I finished up the job with a little alcohol, just to get the job done, (perfume). (06/19/2009)


By carol

Cleaning Ink Out of a Dryer

I immediately went to the appliance section of my local "box" store and asked their advice. Goof Off and Hairspray were the two recommendations. Problem: Goof Off will eat away at plastic and Hairspray - actually the aerosol - removes the stains, slowly and with a lot of muscle and time. What worked perfectly is automotive bug and tar cleaner. It made the stains run like you wouldn't believe. Wipe down the drum with an old rag and the automotive cleaner, then re-clean with strong household detergent and run the dryer to air it out. Be sure to use ventilation to not breathe in the fumes while cleaning. As for the clothes, donate them to the rag pile and invest in a newer wardrobe. You'll never get the ink marks out after the high temperature of the dryer has set the stain into the fibers. (06/19/2009)


By Mike

Cleaning Ink Out of a Dryer

Thank you to everyone for your ideas. We were able to remove ink in it's entirety from our dryer by using Off! insect repellent, followed by Soft Scrub with bleach, and then by drying very wet, bleach-soaked white towels. You can't tell that we ever had an accident. Just to be on the safe side, I had my husband disconnect the dryer from the gas and the electricity and move it out to the driveway so that the fumes had a place to air and so that we didn't blow up our house. I will use this trick, again, if the need arises but I hope it won't. (06/25/2009)

By Kirsten

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