
Cleaning Wallpaper

September 3, 2009

Blue and white retro wallpaper.How do you get black marks off wall paper?

By sandra renee donnelly from Omaha, NE



Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 107 Feedbacks
September 3, 20090 found this helpful

Can you give an idea of original cause? Try lifting with scotch tape pressed down on the spot, then lift off, then try to 'clean' with wadded up ball of white bread, also pressed and lifted. If pencil, use eraser after these steps.

September 4, 20090 found this helpful

Along the lines of what PIKKA said, I've seen on a TV show where they rolled/balled up a piece of white bread and rubbed that on a mark like an eraser. I've also seen them use regular eraser.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

August 30, 2015

I see everyones' answers for removing permanent marker off painted walls. Does anyone know how to remove permanent marker off wallpapered walls without having to replace the wallpaper? The wallpaper no longer exists in any of the local stores.


September 10, 20150 found this helpful

There is a product called Spot Shot. It worked when my daughter wrote on our car seats with a sharpie. I would try it in an inconspicuous place to make sure that it doesn't damage the wallpaper.

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February 24, 2015

I have just papered our sitting room with a black leather affected wall paper. There is wallpaper paste on the paper at the joints. I have tried to remove it with a lukewarm cloth. Can you help?

By Janet


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
January 4, 20180 found this helpful

Add a bit of dish soap and baking soda to the mix.

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February 16, 2015

How can I remove dried on wallpaper paste from my newly papered walls, without damaging the paper?

By Jacky H from Devon


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
December 4, 20170 found this helpful

Dry dabbing at it with a damp cloth.

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November 16, 2011

Will this hurt my washable wallpaper at all? I put in a 1/2 cup of it to a small container of hot water, a small Sun Oxygen tub size. I want to know if it will hurt the paper or the linoleum floor as it drips on it. It looks cleaner by the way!

By Marie W.


December 4, 20110 found this helpful

I don't think it will hurt either one. It is a very mild cleaner, and may even make your floor look better! It may leave a little film on the floor, so that you may have to wipe up more than if it was just water only, but it won't hurt anything.


Glad your walls look better~!

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April 26, 2010

How do I clean non vinyl wallpaper? My Mom used to buy wallpaper cleaner in a can, we used it like playdough to clean walls. Any ideas?

By Norma from western NY


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 520 Feedbacks
April 28, 20100 found this helpful

I've heard rubbing gently with bread works but haven't tried it.
Marg from England.

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April 22, 2010

I am looking for old fashioned wall paper cleaner, not vinyl paper cleaner.

By Norma from western NY


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
April 23, 20100 found this helpful

I've heard of using light colored children's modeling dough.

As for the cleaning dough, maybe fire restoration people might have something. They have a hand help "dry cleaner" for removing smoke. Also draftsmen have a bag filled with eraser shavings to take of smudges.


I'm assuming you've used the new new Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I have mixed feelings about it.

Have your tried cleaning with borax? Sprinkle some on a sponge?

Finally have you tried 4 ounces of TSP and 8 ounces ammonia to a gallon of warm water?? Pretty heavy duty cleaner. Rinse of course.
good luck.

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April 3, 2013

How do I get white film off of wall paper?

By Uma

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

September 3, 2009

My wallpaper is in good shape, but, there is a lot of smoke film on it. How do I clean this without destroying the paper?

Home and Garden Cleaning WallsSeptember 14, 2011
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