Where can I find cheap cleaning items for leather and suede jackets? I need to remove stinky smells and stubborn dirt and dust on my suede jacket?
By maria from Manila, Philippines
I have had good luck with washing them. Use a gentle soap for delicates. I do NOT scrub, but allow the coat to soak in luke warm water and then gently swish about in the water. Next rinse, then rinse again and again until the water is soap free. Hang and/or block like a fine sweater until almost dry, but not completely. Then into the clothes dryer with dryer balls and set dryer to air dry--NO HEAT. This is soften the leather. As soon as the garment is soft, remove and hand to completely dry away from heat. I have used this on heavy winter coats with success. Good luck, and remember, no heat.
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
Is there a home method for cleaning a suede jacket?
By Lee
You can try these ideas. 1. rub the jacket all over with a clean dry bath towel to loosen dirt and dust, then shake. 2. If there are stains, try rubbing them with a pencil eraser, then shake or brush to remove eraser crumbs. If there are stains that are oily/greasy in origin (eraser did not work), put baby powder on the spot(s) and let sit overnight. This helps with that ring around the collar the jacket may have. Brush to remove powder and repeat if needed. You can buy a suede brush, or use any clean stiff bristled(not wire or plastic) brush.
3. Brush entire jacket to raise the nap of the suede. 4. If the jacket is not dirty.stained but needs freshening up, tumble in the dryer with a fabric softener sheet for 1/2 hour on the lowest heat or air dry setting. Hope these suggestions help.
I have a brown suede jacket that I recently got a spot on it. How do I get it out, without taking it to the cleaners and spending a lot of money? I read to use mild sand paper. Is that true?
Wal*Mart sells (really cheap) a cleaning kit (an eraser thing & a brush) for Suede. I've used it to clean shoes on which I had gotten cooking oil. Worked like a miracle!
I recently purchased 2 suede coats.One in black, the other in tan/brown.On the way home, I placed the 2 of them together and hung them in my closet and when I went to wear them,I noticed a color transfer with each of the coats.The tan one is real noticeable with black marks showing from black coat. Is there anything I can try to restore them back to origianal state without ruining coat or leaving marks? These coats are brand new and have never been worn.
How do I clean oily residue from a suede collar on my jacket?
By Ivie from Port Huron, MI
I have a new suede jacket, got it for a gift. It has a chemical smell that makes me physically sick. Is there anything out there to get rid of it? I tried hanging it outside, it is a soft suede. Thanks.
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I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to clean a suede jacket. I would rather not take it to a dry cleaner.