Okay it's been said that taking care of your dog's teeth can extend your little furry friends life for a couple years! Now taking your dog to the vet is never cheap especially taking them to get their teeth cleaned. Surprisingly it is such an essential that it can cost up to 200+ dollars, it can be quite a hassle! But here is a way you can clean their teeth at home.
Note: we have two dogs and one is a high maintenance rescue, who is also allergic to basically everything, but coconut oil is completely harmless to her and is a nice little treat while at the same time is a big helper for getting her teeth cleaned a bit better.
You will need:
1. toothbrush
2. coconut oil
Save aside a jar of coconut oil that's just for your dog. Put some of the coconut oil on the toothbrush and get to brushing! The coconut oil is useful for pesky and stubborn dogs who don't want you in their mouth;)