Here's what I found helpful when I was in college. The notes I took during lecture were usually messy, and could be hard to read and study from. Therefore, I would rewrite my lecture notes. I would use 3-4 different color pens (to help highlight important words, concepts, etc.). I rewrote the notes on loose leaf paper so I could easily access them in a binder. I always tried to rewrite the notes within a day or so of lecture, so that the information was still relatively fresh in my head.
I found this to be a great study tool, both as I rewrote the notes and when it came to studying for exams. After I had completed the classes, I kept all my notes. I found that I used them for reference for other classes (especially those in my major) and for tutoring other students.
I am a college lecturer and this is a great idea! Alot of my students use this idea (colored pens). Also, writing SOS next to important points proves invaluable for them!
In rewriting notes, you may also reorganize them, add information, make references to text books and other materials, use different colors of ink or symbols to make them more meaningful to you. I, too, like rethatterb, went to school in the '60's at a time when no one had ever heard of learning disablities, and rewriting my notes got me through as I have a problem remembering what I hear.