I have a grocery bag full of those cheap plastic leis; not the kind that look like flowers, but the ones that are just scrunched plastic. I hate to pitch them. Does anyone have any craft ideas that could make use of them?
If you can't find a use for them, ask around. I don't know about your area, but in our state, NC and some of the surrounding states, our Vacation Bible School for 2008 is called "Outrigger Island" and has a Hawaiian theme. Maybe the churches could use them.
give them to your local elementary schools. They can use them for activities they have throughout the school year.
Have a Hawaiian party and let everyone take them home
You can offer them up on Freecycle. Someone will come and get them.
yes I use them all the time. I just glue them to place mats around the edge and use thoses to make mats to set candles that come in jars on. They are very pretty and the people I give them to seam to really like them. Maybe you could try this .
I had a bunch from school so I Ct a piece of string of of the tied them together and I taped it to my bed as a frame
And I did the same thing to some other ones and made a jump rope