I have been kinda under the weather lately. Today I got my "juice" back and decided to make something fun.
Total Time: 2 Hours or more if you aren't a crocheter.
Yield: 1
- 1 heart or round rattan or foam ring ($.79)
- 6-8 yd ribbon of your choice ($.50)
- 6 ft crochet yarn (doubled) and size I hook ($.25)
- hot glue ($0.00)
- beads
- 1 scrap flower ($.10)
- scissors
- darning needle

- Starting with one of the four colors of ribbon, hot glue it to the back and begin wrapping it around, gluing at the bottom of the heart.

- I used pink, blue, yellow, and lavender. I didn't have any aqua so because I made the bunnies first, I had to add some aqua to the rest of the wreath to bring out that color. I didn't take a shot at each step on the ribbon so this is what it looked like when all four were done.

- NOTE: When you use rattan wreath forms, you never get a smooth even form. So, the ribbon is not perfect. If you use a foam form this will not be an issue.
- To make the bunnies, I used a double strand of some baby yarn. I measured out 6 yards and then doubled it for each bunny.
- Bunny pattern: With your hook, chain 2 and make 6 more singles in the first chain for 7. Join and chain 1. Make 2 singles in each for 14. Join and chain 1. Make 2 singles in the first stitch and 1 in the next around for 21. Break off and work in tail.

- Bunny Head: Attach hook in any of the stitches and make a slip stitch in one stitch, a single in one, 3 half-doubles in one, then a single in one and a slip stitch in one. Break off and work in tails.

- Bunny Ears: In the second stitch of the hump you just made, chain 4. Make a single, half double and double in each of the chain and join in the center of the mound. Repeat for other ear and break off. Work in all the tails and trim.

- I made three bunnies for the bottom of the heart. I used a large faux pearl for the tails and glued the bunnies on so they all fit. With some lavender ribbon I had, I made the ribbon like you would for a larger bow, making it longer then shorter then shortest.

- I needed something to bring out the aqua and I have an old prom dress I am using for the fabric. I carefully cut the flower out and glued in on the ribbon. I then glued and tied some beads I had for the hanger. N-JOY!!

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March 28, 20170 found this helpful
Very nice looking. Just in time for the Bunny season.
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