This craft just won 3rd place for Crocheted/Other at the State Fair here in Salem. It's a fun craft you can make with any scrap yarn.
Total Time: About 60-90 minutes
Source: I saw it on line in the free pattern section.
- The amt. of yarn is determined by how big you want this.
- scissors
- hook size J or larger
- hot glue gun
- odd jar lid
- With your hook chain 2.
- Make a single crochet in the first chain, chain 1 and turn.
- Normally you would make an increase in the first stitch in each new row. But, only increase at the end. Keep one side even.
- Increase till you have the base size you want, as shown in the photo.
- When you have the width you want, break off and make sure all tails are woven in.
- Roll from the base and hot glue as you go, but sparingly.
- When your base is done, glue to the lid, making sure it fits before you attach.

- Us this "Hook Tower" to keep your hooks and needles close and organized.
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