With some yarn, hook, and a darning needle you can make a nice place mat.
Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=projects+with+crocheted+yo+yo
- 6 ft yarn of your choice for each circle
- size I hook
- darning needle
- scissors
- With your hook chain 3. Make 12 more double crochets around in the first chain. By joining at the 3rd chain of the first chain 3, you essentially skip the chain 3 and now have 12 doubles. I tie the tails in the back so leaving them at least 2" long helps.
- Break off and tie. One yo yo made.
- I wanted my place mat to be 6 tall by 9 wide. That meant 54 tops and 54 bottoms. I have enough made to do another row of 6 so you can do 60 if you want. So you would either need 108 or 120.

- Because mine were two different colors, I could change-up the pattern as you will see. You can too.
- I picked the checkerboard pattern. When you have the back sides toward you, you will be able to simply use a darning needle and yarn to insert in the back and tie them together. Leaving 2.5 to 3.0 inches will make it easier to tie them. You will have to tie the yo yos to each other, then the rows to each row.
- You might notice the yarns are not the same. I didn't have enough of the same colors to complete the project so I went with a back color of variegated, then ran out of that and had to do some with white.
- Since it's mine, I don't mind. But if you calculate the amount of yarn you will need for each circle, you can make sure your project comes out great. This is more important if it's a gift.
This is the finished product. I think it turned out good. If you like to just crochet mindlessly like I do while watching TV or riding in the car, these yo yos are so versatile. Here is an example of what you can do with these little gems.