Looking for an inexpensive way to kill Demodex Eyelash mites.
Sorry that you are having this problem but the health of your eyes is too important to risk asking for help from anyone other than a professional.
Members of Thriftyfun are mostly just regular people and usually try to answer questions by doing research online and sometimes suggestions from personal experience.
There are many 'medical' sites that offer suggestions for DIY when dealing with Demodex eyelash mites but you should seek the help of a professional so they can help you find what could be causing your problem.
It's possible you need treatment for an underlying problem so the problem with your eyelids will stop reoccurring.
Your local pharmacist can also offer professional suggestions.
The following site is the most comprehensive site about dealing with this problem that I have found.
Long read but very informative:
You need to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis.
Tea tree oil may be option for treating Demodex mites in the eyelash area. Clean your eyelashes with 50 percent diluted tea tree oil, do this once a week.
I found great advices about prevention on this site:
Prepare a mixture of 50% tea tree oil by diluting the tea tree oil in either macadamia or walnut oil. Use a cotton tipped applicator soaked in the tea tree oil & this will irritate the mites and stimulates them to come out of the follicle. Repeat this procedure in 10 minutes. As maintenance, you should continue the 'lid scrubs' at least twice a week indefinitely.
You need to see a doctor, especially with your eyes. People have gone blind trying to self-medicate
Do you have an idea of how you're getting eyelash mites? Do you wear make up? See if you need to wash your make up brushes? A website actually recommends old makeup that was used around the eyes during the infestation. Are you in contact with someone who has eyelash mites?
I would try to make sure everything coming in contact with your eyelash/face is clean. Ex. clean make up brushes, cleanse your eyes, eyelashes with mild baby shampoo with some warm water.
But it's highly recommend to seek medical attention.