When you are digging in your flowers and grassy areas, you may run into this little fellow. It is a DeKay snake and quite harmless and appears to not mind being held, although, I don't want to hold it. I just take pictures.
From what I have read, it is a small, meat eating snake and prefers bugs, beetles, spiders, slugs, snails, and such. It's a good little snake to have around.
If you would like a snake for a pet, this one can be your little buddy.
thats lovely! the only snakes we have over here are adders and grass snakes.saw a grass snake in the woods a month or so ago,only the second one ive ever seen.theyre harmless,but adders arent! i love your Dekay snake! x
Harmless and cold blooded, the little fella might appreciate the gentle warmth of your hand. But you had rather not.
Oh, the Human element.
I must say, he does have a sweet little face and beautiful eyes.
We were walking today and she reaches out and grabs this fellow off of a pine tree limb. It's a beautiful rough green snake and has pretty eyes.