
Deadheading a Hydrangea

July 3, 2008
Deadheading a Hydrangea


I bought beautiful hydrangeas from a nursery for my patio and they have lasted about 2 months. The blooms have died. If I deadhead the blooms, will I get more or is that it? I live upstairs in a condo so have no yard and must use a balcony. So there is no way I am able to plant outside and wait until next year.

Hardiness Zone: 8b

Fran from Dallas, TX



I'm afraid your hydrangeas are done blooming. Two months is a good long time to see blooms, though, especially since you have no way of knowing how long they were blooming at the nursery before you purchased them.

Hydrangeas only bloom once per season, so deadheading them will not encourage a second flush of flowers. The good news is that the blooms are one of the easiest to dry, so you keep on enjoying the flowers for months to come.

To air dry your hydrangea blooms, simply leave the spent blooms on their stems until late summer. As the season progresses, the blooms will take on an aged look and may start to display some unique colors as they dry. To completely dry them, simply remove the flowers from the stems and cut them to the desired length. There is no need to hang them upside down to dry, just remove any unwanted leaves, and arrange them as you wish.




By Marilyn (Guest Post)
July 7, 20083 found this helpful
Best Answer

I have news for you beyond the clipping off of the flowers. Last year I received a beautiful lavender-blue hydrangea for Mother's Day. I wanted to plant it outdoors but never got to it. However, I kept it on my back stoop where it got a couple hours of sun, but mostly shade. I watered it faithfully, but by October the stems were almost bare, with a hint of new leaves that never really fully grew in. On a whim, I decided to repot it in a larger pot, bring it indoors and put it in a sunny window for the winter and see what would happen.

The leaves started to grow, and by Feb. I could see little flower buds starting! By the end of March I was blessed with several beautiful lavender-blue-pink blossoms! I had some questions and found a website ( where I received a wonderful reply from an expert who suggested I keep the plant potted (not to plant it outside) and just do the same thing this year as I did before. If it continually requires a larger pot, she suggested I cut back the root system and the stems when I repot it, and that will keep its growth in control.


You might want to do the same with your plant!
Marilyn from Wisconsin

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

September 19, 2012

When is the best time to remove mop head flowers from my hydrangea?

By Trevor T.


September 20, 20120 found this helpful

After the flowers have turned brown and leaves have fallen. Trim before new growth appears.

September 25, 20121 found this helpful

I live in Ireland and I wait until the Spring when all frosts are gone. Then I cut out dead stems. I like to keep the bushes small with big heads so I cut above new growth lower down the bushes. So far I have had success doing this.



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