Our dog, Honey, is very protective when strangers come to the door, especially repair or delivery people. We usually put her in the back yard or a bedroom and then listen to her bark her head off until the person leaves.
Today, we had our washer repaired. My husband was home to deal with the repair. When I saw the van pull up outside, I got Honey's leash and took her for a walk. She is very good about not barking at people on the leash so she didn't even notice him. After we walked around the block, I just took her on my afternoon errand to school and the store. The washer was fixed and the repairman was gone by the time we made it home.
I figure that sitting and riding in the car was more interesting than being locked in the bedroom. It was certainly quieter. Of course, it was a cool spring day, not the height of summer or I wouldn't leave her in the car for any length of time.
Other ideas to divert your dog's attention might be to schedule a vet or grooming appointment during those times, or even a "doggie daycare". There are some places that offer drop in playtimes by the hour or 1/2 day.
By Jess from Hillsboro, OR
How you handled the comfort and safety for all involved here is so sweet, Jess, and I'll venture to bet that Honey appreciated the fun jaunt so much more than having been upset being couped up! ;-)
This page contains the following solutions.
I have two things I do when strangers or maintenance people come into my home. Putting my dogs and cat in the bedroom is one of them.
I have 3 large dogs that are protective of me and more so since I'm learning to walk again. When I set up any sort of visit for the phone or cable, I always leave directions for the Service People to call me first at least 5 minutes before they arrive.