For a better nights sleep and healthier day remember to stretch. Simple stretching exercises ensure a more restful sleep.
By Diane
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
I have Sleep Apnea. I use a CPAP machine every night, but I think I still snore. I wake up talking and I hear myself, so I think I am snoring. Do you have any ideas for how I can sleep better? I don't have money to buy a new mask but that is really what I need. I already keep a window open. I am not hot or cold. My back hurts though through the night and that is because I am overweight. Thank you.
Hi. I have sleep apnea also. I'm wondering if maybe you need the dr to adjust the setting on your cpap. I hope you figure it out!
I recently heard on the Rachael Ray show that using a humidifier while sleeping helps.
Alhtough I don't have sleep apnea, I use Calmes Forte on occasion to help me sleep.
Don't delay in getting help with this because if your pressure is not right then you are effecting your heart and causing damage. I let mine go to long and have damage to my heart that cannot be repaired.
The very best thing you could do for your sleep apnea is to lose weight!
You also might try elevating the head of your bed with blocks, along with having your settings re-evaluated.
Your doctor probably needs to adjust the pressure on your machine. I don't know if they will need to do another sleep study before they change, but they might. My cousin recently had hers changed from 7 to 14. I started out with 16. You might just take in the "smart" card. They might be able to tell from just that. I know I went down from 68 non-breathing episodes to 4 per hour.
Please do not adjust your pressure without a doctors supervision. My husband just got one and the instructor said to never adjust the pressure yourself, it can cause a brain hemorrage if it is not the right pressure. He also told us that there are chin straps available to stop snoring. BUT, he said snoring with the cpap means something is not right with your pressure.
Oh, Sandy, God bless you. You might discuss this with the manufacturer of your CPAP and try to increase the pressure slightly. I know that a CPAP machine can make so much difference. You need your rest and your oxygen! Let us know that you are okay -
I've been in healthcare for over 15 years. I can definitely tell you that something isn't quite right. While losing weight helps, you need a solution immediately. First thing to do is call your doctor. They may need to adjust the pressure,which is what it sounds like - never do this yourself!! If needed, they can do another sleep study for you.
sandy the snorer here. thank you all for the advice. i am in the process now of getting a company to supply me with a new mask etc. i am sure that is what is wrong.