A neighbor gave my son a booster seat they were not using. Unfortunately, the seat had pink decorations on it. After researching and seeing that covers for the seat would run about $60, I improvised. I took out my painters tape, marked off the sections that were pink, then I got my fabric paint out and made it more appealing to a boy. So, we got a neat new car seat for practically nothing!
By Jennifer from Riverview, FL
It looks great and kudos to you for using what you were given. You reused something that might not have been taken care of and might have even gone into a landfill somewhere, on top of saving your family money.
I think this was such a wonderful frugal idea. I like that you used what you were given and made it work. Many would have turned their noses up. I really commend you!
Nice idea! I cant wait for the day that pink is not only for girls though. Such a silly social affectation we have with colors!