Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
Here is a great way to spruce up your kitchen with decorative canisters that are so easy to make. You can always change the color of your kitchen. The canisters are great for storing tea, coffee, rice, sugar, flour, beans, or any other items you need in your kitchen.
Total Time: 15 minutes
Yield: 1 canister
- canister style glass jars
- material
- scissors
- hot glue gun
- decorative rocks

- Start by washing and cleaning your glass canister jar.
- Remove the lid from the jar. Now remove the plastic seal from the lid. Fill the lid of the jar with colored rocks and replace the plastic seal.
- Cut your material ½ inch larger than the length (height) of the jar. You will need this much to turn down the ends so they do not fray. When cutting your material make sure you also cut it 1/2 inch larger than the jar.
- Start by placing a line of hot glue down the length of the jar and placing your material on the glue. Make sure you have the same amount of material on the top and bottom because you need to turn this under so the material won't fray.
- Start on the top and turn your material under and add a dab of hot glue to secure it in place.

- Do the same on the bottom of the jar.
- Continue around the jar like this and gluing the material to the jar. Work on the top, then the bottom.

- When you reach the end of the jar you will need to turn the end under and glue this in place.
- Fill the jars with whatever you want and display them on your counters.
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February 26, 20200 found this helpful
how can you wash the jars?

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts February 27, 20200 found this helpful
When the jar gets dirty I just put it in a tub of soapy water and allow it to sit. Then rinse it off and set it out to dry. The material can dry within a few hours.
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