
Deliveries Are Left Against Door That Opens Out?

Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 87 Requests

I frequently get deliveries, lots. Anyway I have a storm door that opens out. The delivery people frequently put the biggest boxes right in front of the storm door. Not only is it bad because it's heavy, but I have to push open the door and am handicapped. This is a fire hazard for anyone with a door that opens out. I have called the companies umpteen times. I have signs on my door and the wall next to the door asking that they put package at the wall. Yet they refuse. What am I doing wrong or is it they are inept? I'm really upset. I depend on deliveries to survive!


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Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
August 13, 20180 found this helpful

Apparently you receive deliveries from several different companies and each company may have different/substitute drivers on any given day so hopefully someone will have a suggestion that will work for you.

  • If you are having problems with the USPS deliveries you can write a letter to the postmaster/manager of your branch (where deliveries are loaded) explaining the problem and ask them to put a special notice by your address giving instructions to not put packages in front of your door. If they continue to disregard your message you can write to Washington, D.C. (Google USPS Washington, DC) and do not worry about trying to find a correct office but send 2 or 3 copies to different offices (mark them CC to other offices on the bottom) and you will most likely never have this problem again.
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  • FedEx and UPS do not have this structure so you will have to be more innovative with them.
  • I do not know what kind of signs you have posted that they are ignoring but since I have had friends deal with similar things I will explain how one person handled it.
  • One idea was to take a bucket of sand, place it on a rolling plant holder, stick a yard sale sign into the sand with instructions to not place packages in front of door but place them against the wall. She also added police will need to be called if I cannot open my door due to packages.
  • The yard sale sign and other supplies were purchased at Dollar General/Dollar Tree.
  • Yard sale sign on a stick is about 3-4 feet tall; buy white poster board ($1) and measure to fit over the yard sale sign. Cut 2 pieces large enough to print your message. Draw lines so you can print your message neatly and easily readable (some large letters). Finish message and place signs over your yard sale sign and staple the 2 pieces together across the top and down sides/bottom so the message board covers the sign.
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  • You can even wet the sand in the bucket if it is windy. Place the sign about 2 to 3 feet in front of your door. You should still be able to open your door and roll the sign to the side when you have to go out.
  • Another person used an outdoor umbrella stand to place his sign instead of a bucket and that did work also (but it was not easily moved aside).
  • Still another bought the poster board, printed message in large letters (adding police will be called to move packages for me to be able to exit my house) and taped it across the top half of the screen door.
  • I'm sure others will have suggestions that may be easier to follow.
August 14, 20210 found this helpful

We as customers should not have to buy anything
Its common sense to not block the door
Retrain your delivery drivers


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
August 13, 20180 found this helpful

I would complain to the post office.

August 13, 20180 found this helpful

Thank you for your answers. It's actually Amazon and ups. I've called and emailed Amazon so many times I think they know me.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
August 14, 20180 found this helpful

Can you leave your storm door open during the day with the inside door latched and locked for safety? This way they might "get it" not to block the door. I see people on a main road near me who do this. They close it after the delivery day is done.


Another idea is our neighbor has a large decorative bin that is waterproof at the bottom of her steps with a big sign to put packages inside. She has it painted to look like a mini of her house. It's cute. I never asked, but I would be nervous people would steal from it...but she may be more trusting than me....or have a camera trained on it!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
August 15, 20180 found this helpful

aside from leaving a very big sign or calling the company or opting to leave the storm door open, what I would do is just try to be present a few times when they are delivering and go yell at them every time you catch them doing it.


another idea i would try is to put shelving some 4 or 6 feet away from the front door essentially blocking the front door entrance and forcing them to place the packages on the shelving. You can even put a sign on the shelving saying PACKAGES HERE

now my imagination is going wild: you can install an electric fence around the perimetre of your front door, and if any of them dares to trespass beyond the shelving so as to insist on placing things by your door, they get zapped.

anyway best of luck to you


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
August 15, 20180 found this helpful

Their policy might be that they want it as close to the door as possible to deter thieves. However, if your complaints are falling on deaf ears this is what I would suggest.


1: Talk to corporate at each place and tell them you will stop using their service. This will get their attention.
2: If you have some one who will let you leave your package with them, someone trusted and close, do that.
3: If you have a back door, with a different door situation, change the delivery side of the house.
4: As someone suggested, when you know a package is being delivered, stay by the door and ask them why they are ignoring your signs? This will drive home the situation and you can get a name, telling them you will be complaining to their supervisors.
I hope all the sage advice you got today helps.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 87 Requests
August 16, 20180 found this helpful

Part of the problem is I live down 1 flight of stairs. If I leave stuff in front of my door then neighbors can't get down the steps to their condos. You can't see the door from the street but I'm home usually at delivery times. I've complained so many times.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
August 17, 20180 found this helpful

It appears that you've done all you can and the companies aren't listening. I would file a formal complaint with UPS and also with Amazon because of this. The signs on the door and wall should be enough for the delivery man to get a clue to not block your door.

The only other thing you can do is leave this door open during the day when you expect a delivery. This way the door isn't blocked and you can get in and out of your home safely. However, a large package sitting in front of a door is also a hazard and people should understand this.

I feel deliveries should be left out of sight and not sitting in front of a door where anyone can walk by and see them there. This isn't a smart move for a delivery company if you ask me.

March 10, 20220 found this helpful

I am having the same issues. But lately they've been crushing my packages between my storm door and main door. Today the package was damaged and my storm door bent! I have signs on the door, and instructions in Amazon, UPS, etc. delivery sites.


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