
Deodorant Reviews?

July 20, 2004

Does anyone know what form of deodorant/anti-perspirant is the cheapest or lasts the longest? Is it roll-on, spray aerosol, solid, gell? Any homemade forms?


Thanks in advance.


July 20, 20040 found this helpful

My husband uses the solid salt crystal form. A single 7.00$ stick will last him at least a year. I know Rite-Aid pharmacies carry it, but I am sure you could purchase it from any number of places (Walgreens, Walmart, etc.).

By bb (Guest Post)
July 20, 20040 found this helpful

I always get Avon deoderant. It won't last as long as "Siren" 's suggestion but it is cheap and works great. There are a million different fragrances. And alot of times the bonus size is on sale - that's when I stock up!

By Ann (Guest Post)
July 21, 20040 found this helpful

I tried using solid salt crystal as a deodorant, didn't do diddly squat for me, I still sweated and stunk when I got hot. so I wouldn't recommend that one as the end all of deodorants!

By sandy webber (Guest Post)
July 21, 20040 found this helpful

I use Suave stick antipersperant. It lasts a good while, I think I use 3-4 tubes a year. It is also fairly cheap.

By Paula W (Guest Post)
July 22, 20040 found this helpful

I have had good luck with the Suave antiperspirant sticks--my favorites are the raspberry and the pacific breeze...and these are the ones I go back to time and time again. But I also think that switching antiperspirants every now and then helps, too. I don't know why, but it seems that introducing something new, like my husband's right guard power stripe, or 24/7 speed stick works better for awhile...and then I go back to the Suave, or Avon (yes, I agree, Avon does have some good roll-ons and it's cheap on sale).


Main thing with me is to use anti-perspirant as opposed to just deodorant, and to switch them out every now and then. Might just be my imagination, but the rotation method seems to help the effectiveness of each brand of antiperspirant...also makes it cheaper as I can get different brands on sale.

By Lori (Guest Post)
October 3, 20040 found this helpful

I also like the AVON deodorants, too. As with most liquid deodorants, though, as stated on the label (most of the time!), shake the bottle well before you use it. That's so the ingredients are mixed so it works well until it's gone. :)

By owenmohrbucks (Guest Post)
October 3, 20040 found this helpful

Ladies, I know that some commericals talk about deo. made for ladies because of the ph balance. All I know is that I buy men deo because it is cheaper and works just as well.


I just buy one that is fragrance free. Oh, my screen name sounds like a guy but I am all WOMAN!

By bonnie (Guest Post)
October 5, 20040 found this helpful

I always use dove, well i use dove from head to toe! its great, thats y theyve been around for so long.

By James (Guest Post)
October 5, 20040 found this helpful

I use an alum salt rock crystal. Where I live you can buy them very cheap at any pharmacy (just the raw rough crystal, not pre-cut or anything). They last forever and work extremely well if you use them right, but it is not an antiperspirant. After washing, wet the rock and rub on your underarm well. I am odorless all day no matter how much I sweat. I live in a hot and humid climate and do a lot of physical labour and am extremely smelly if I don't use a deodorant.


The many disadvantage of this type of deo is that it's not as convenient to apply compared to commercial deos.

This is by far the cheapest deo that I know of. The next long-lasting (economical) after this is probably the solid stick type of deo.

By TheKoreanJew (Guest Post)
January 4, 20050 found this helpful

i have the same problem, i am 14 and i sweat so bad and i think it smells and nothing helps... i also get stains on my clothing and it's embarassing...

February 15, 20050 found this helpful

Herbal Deoderant
11/2 tsp beeswax
1/2 tsp. cocoa butter
1 tb. coconut oil
3 dps tea tree oil
15 drops rosemary essential oil


25 drops lavender essential oil
3 drops castor oil
melt butter and oils and add bees wax, allow to cool slightly add essential oils. simple and it works

By Suzi (Guest Post)
April 11, 20050 found this helpful

Okay I have a BO problem. NO comercial deodorant helps me. I end up smelling like perfume mixed with BO. I have searched long and hard and have discovered two products that work. I still sweat...I just don't smell...and I mean all day long. I can put my arm up without worry all day and when I get into bed I don't knock myself out!

1. Baking soda. I use this currently. My arms are wet after showering and I sprinkle a little under my arms. It is wonderful and inexpensive. (I found out about it in an internet search of 101 things to do with bakiing soda.)


2. The Crystal (A bit more expensive) Likewise this works wonderfully.

With each of these it took time for me to get used to. They don't feel silky like comercial deodorants but I decided getting rid of the smell was more important to me.

By Suzi (Guest Post)
April 11, 20050 found this helpful

Okay I have a BO problem. NO comercial deodorant helps me. I end up smelling like perfume mixed with BO. I have searched long and hard and have discovered two products that work. I still sweat...I just don't smell...and I mean all day long. I can put my arm up without worry all day and when I get into bed I don't knock myself out!

1. Baking soda. I use this currently. My arms are wet after showering and I sprinkle a little under my arms. It is wonderful and inexpensive. (I found out about it in an internet search of 101 things to do with bakiing soda.)
2. The Crystal (A bit more expensive) Likewise this works wonderfully.

With each of these it took time for me to get used to. They don't feel silky like comercial deodorants but I decided getting rid of the smell was more important to me.

By vy (Guest Post)
May 28, 20050 found this helpful

the powder ones leaves white residue the gel leave sticky clothes the spray is ok

By Treckin (Guest Post)
March 7, 20060 found this helpful


May 29, 20060 found this helpful

There is a deoderant you can buy from health food stores called Lavilin, it's imported from Isreal and will cost you 15 bucks or so but it works. You only apply it once a week, depending on your chemistry. I need to apply it about every four or five day's. It's in a small container and at first you'll think man I was ripped off but you use only a small amount and you only apply it at night. Hope this works for you it does for me and before I started using it I smelled like a goat.

By essa23 (Guest Post)
March 28, 20080 found this helpful

I hear that ban deodorant lasts a long time, but is more expensive.

By Roxy (Guest Post)
June 13, 20080 found this helpful

I use Lady Speed Stick and that worked great for me, but lately I was beginning to not feel so clean and the lingering smell was always bothering me. So I bought the same make but in Orchid Blossom - for some reason that did not do anything for me. I felt more smelly, and it was leaving she smell on my clothes. So now I am in search for a good one, but I think I will buy couple and see what works- I was recommended Certain Dry. Let's hope that works!

By ur mom (Guest Post)
December 7, 20080 found this helpful

i think baking soda would work the best!!!!
for 1.its thick an will absorb the sweat
its just wat i think

By Cynthia M (Guest Post)
February 1, 20090 found this helpful

I use Degree and it has never failed me yet! I found the others mentioned here like Suave, piddled out before I did. I remember one of my PE coaches told us girls once, women don't sweat, they perspire. Well this woman sweats like a pig! But I don't stink, thanks to Degree solid.

By k w (Guest Post)
February 24, 20090 found this helpful

Vinegar helps me with B.O. After the bath I put some under my arms, then the deodorant. Good luck.

February 21, 20100 found this helpful

Certain Dri works great for me. I have the roll on but I don't really like that one because it's very watery and can run down your shirt when applying. Other than that, I could go even 3 days without applying. Mind you that this is only an antiperspirant so it is unscented and doesn't protect against odor. For odor, I just use Secret Original in Spring Breeze. It smells great and it's not overpowering.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

April 16, 2009

I need a dependable underarm deodorant.

By Lois


April 16, 20090 found this helpful

I just love and have used Avon roll on deodorant for years! Its an anti-perspirant and deodorant. It comes in many scents too! I love the Feelin' Fresh and the Baby Power ones. If you don't wear perfume all the time this deodorant smells good and only cost .99 per bottle! Hope this helps!

April 16, 20090 found this helpful

I like Dove. If you have a costco close by, you get 4 sticks of it for about 8:00 and it is very smooth and works well.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
April 17, 20090 found this helpful

You can not beat mitchum!

April 17, 20090 found this helpful

Dove is my favorite! It does not clump and is so silky smooth.

April 17, 20090 found this helpful

Unfortunately, what works for one person may not work for another, but I'm a "Secret" the fresh scent.

April 21, 20090 found this helpful

I have a bad problem with not being able to use just anything. I find that Mitchum works the best. Most clog my pores this doesn't. Plus after you use it for about a week if you happen to skip a day. You are pretty safe lol ' I found this out when I was waiting for my grand daughter to be born. Debbie

April 22, 20090 found this helpful

I use Degree (womens) Ultra Clear, Pure Rain scent, and it never fails me. I work outside a lot doing gardening, woodworking, etc., and Degree hasn't failed me yet.

Pat Tin Nevada

April 23, 20090 found this helpful

Dove deodorant is great.

April 25, 20090 found this helpful

LOL! I actually read all of the posts all the time wondering if ANYone used 'lowly' avon?! I've been using avon roll-on @ years. It's very economical. I actually buy it @ ebay and save even more. I even agree with your favorite scents. :-)

April 27, 20090 found this helpful

When I was dating my husband, his armpits were red no matter what deodorant he used. I got him to use Almay and he has never had red armpits again.

July 16, 20090 found this helpful

Try Drysol. One of my friends is using it and he claims it works for him.

July 26, 20111 found this helpful

I have a terribly bad funky armpit odour, like cockroach smell, so I need deodorant. However, not just any deodorant, because I don't want it to clog or dry up my skin or give me bad smell afterwards. I've been using UARMSOL deodorant powder for many years now and I have no more armpit odours. The deodorant powder works even when you stop using it for a day or 2 because it doesn't leave you smelling bad afterwards, unlike other deodorants out there.

Even when I sweat I don't have any odours, this deodorant works great and I'm loving it. I can't go out in the day without putting it on. I applied 1 pinch and it's all to it for the whole day without worries about any smell afterwards. There's no after sport smell or odour masking. I would recommend it to anyone who has underarm odour.

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July 5, 2015

Does anyone use a deodorant that really masks the odor? The last few years my deodorant doesn't work and I am trying all different brands.


July 5, 20150 found this helpful

I would suggest using an anti-perspirant & deodorant. Simple deodorant only masks the odor while an anti-perspirant prevents the sweat. I have used "Sure" brand for years. It comes in scented and unscented. I use unscented so as to not conflict with a perfume I might have on. Another try would be "Gold Bond" powder or even powdering on corn starch. Good luck and hope this helps you to stay 'Cool, calm, collected" and dry....Gale from Calif.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
July 6, 20150 found this helpful

If you have been using antiperspirants and still have problems, a dermatologist can help to identify your specific difficulty and prescribe a solution that will help. Sometimes over the counter offerings just do not work.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 679 Feedbacks
July 7, 20150 found this helpful

I've had success with Lady Speed Stick. I like the "powder fresh" scent the best.

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August 18, 2011

I have read that applying baking soda can eliminate underarm odor because of its odor-eating ingredient. When I tried, yes it did, there was no unpleasant smell, but it did darken my skin as if it was burnt. Can you help me get rid of underarm odor while whitening the same area?

By Mar B.


August 18, 20110 found this helpful

It sounds like your skin might be irritated by the baking soda. Try using a mix of two parts corn starch to one part baking soda and see if that helps. If you still have a reaction you could try using corn starch on its own, too.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 450 Feedbacks
August 20, 20110 found this helpful

I don't know about whitening but plain old alcohol will stop underarm odor.
I am allergic to commercial deoderants and have found that cleaning my underarms with alcohol after shower and before I leave the house works very well. After all bacteria are what causes the odor and alcohol kills bacteria.

August 21, 20110 found this helpful

Alcohol works well. Time will get your underarms back to their right color. I tried baking soda once. It burned and turned my skin red and it took over a week for the redness to go away.

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