I have a puppy that is almost 5 months old and I think she might have Parvo. I don't know for sure, but she is vomiting a lot and her stool is watery but not bloody. She's very weak and she won't eat or drink anything. We don't have any money to take her to the vet, I'm having a baby within the next week! I'm very concerned and I would love some advise. Please help me.
Get some pedialyte or gatorade and give your pup some every hour to keep it hydrated using a syringe. You didn't say what size your pup is. Maintenance fluids for your dog is 1cc per pound per hour. If your dog is having vomiting/diarrhea it will need at least twice maintenance. A 15 pound dog would get about 30cc hourly. Keep your pup warm and clean and dry.
You better hope it isn't a foreign body stuck in the intestine or your pup will probably die since you can't take it to the vet. Maybe it's intestinal worms too. You know roundworms and hookworms will infect people, especially children. Has it been dewormed? Do you feed it table food? Say BBQ or anything pork? You could have a little pancreas going on.
Your best bet is to take it to the vet or find someone that can care for your pup to give it the best chance of survival. (05/27/2008)
By Candy
I don't think the diarrhea has to be bloody before you treat her. My lab has signs of parvo, but I did not have money for the vet. My nutritionist told me to treat him with charcoal and catnip herbs that you can find at a health store. My puppy would not hold anything down for 4 days so I had to have it administrated into the rectum. Today is the 5th day and he is not taking the meds through the mouth. Open the capsule and dissolve it in pedialyte and use an enema if you have to. Hope this helps. (05/27/2008)
By rosa
It does sound like parvo. My puppy had parvo. I did not have any money to take her to the vet so I fed her plain yogurt and pedialyte. I just kept giving it to her. I also gave her pepto bismol, but the main thing with Parvo is to keep the puppy hydrated. When they vomit, give more pedialyte and yogurt. You can also boil chicken and give chicken and rice plain. Keep your dog hydrated and they can get through this. (05/27/2008)
By stephaine
It sounds like Parvo and she really needs to see a vet. There are clinics that aren't really expensive. She will get dehydrated if she is not given medicine and die. (05/28/2008)
Take some chopped meat, break it up, and fry it loose. Then add some cooked rice to it. Hope this helps. (05/28/2008)
It doesn't sound like Parvo to me, I have had puppies with Parvo, and I also had two pups that had the exact same symptoms as yours. One recovered fairly quickly, it may be a virus. The main thing as said above is fluids, the animals die when they get dehydrated. I see you live in TN, if you have a rural king by you or maybe a tractor supply store, (I know rural king has this) they have a powder that you mix with water to make a pedialyte type for puppies, this is the best stuff, it doesn't have all that sugar in it.
Plus, there is also a paste similar to what you use on your cats for hair balls but it gives the pups energy to fight the virus. I think I paid less than 10 dollars for both of these and still have a lot left. I hope this helps, I understand about not having enough money for the vet. I spent over 600.00 dollars on a pup with parvo and the poor little thing still died, I know I can't afford that again. If you keep the pup hydrated she should be fine. GOOD LUCK! (06/01/2008)
By Michelle
Contact the SPCA or your local animal shelter. They may be able to put you in touch with someone who can help. You need to do something quick. Parvo can kill a pup very quick. We spent $450 saving one of our pups from Parvo. He was worth it. (06/11/2008)
By Linda Smith
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