What causes a adult male dog to lose all the fur? He Is a Keeshond. Any infromation well be helpful.
Deb from NE
You really need to take your dog to the vet. Only a full examination will tell you why this is happening. (04/26/2006)
By Kat
I agree with the others - take your dog to the vet. Among other things, this could be mange and it CAN be passed to you, since mange is a parasite. (04/26/2006)
By Anna
Specifically, ask your vet about the possibility of low thyroid-- this will require a blood test to check, and daily medication to correct, if needed (not expensive).Other possibilities are allergies and/or fleas.
The pattern of hair loss will help your vet determine the cause-- also try to remember when/where it started, and if there were any changes to your dog's diet or environment around that time. (04/27/2006)
By Kaytee
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