My Labrador is losing a lot of fur. He is 12 months old.
Hi Monique, we have an almost 2 year old yellow lab and she lost a LOT of fur, but it was normal shedding for a lab. They have 2 coats and shed a lot. I have to vacuum everyday and change the bag on my vacuum every 2 weeks if that gives you any idea of how much fur we pick up. A vet check is always in order, as we took our Chloe in, but it was just normal shedding for a lab. Good Luck! (01/23/2007)
Please take your dog to a Vet.
Northern Virginia (01/23/2007)
Please look into NZYMES @ WWW.NZYMES.COM. It has worked very well for my dog. She had pneumonia and I truly believe this product saved her life. It also stopped her allergies and the problems she had with rashes and chewing her feet. If you want you can email me directly at nancyilka AT sbcglobal dot net. Good luck, Nancy (01/23/2007)
By nancy
Feed less dry food, and for a time, add two beaten raw eggs along with a shake of garlic powder to it when you do feed. Don't use strong shampoo if you are cleaning the dog. If this doesn't help, call the local shelter and ask if they have any low cost vet advice, or could they suggest anything for you.
By Lynda
Hey. My dog fur is losing too much, when we just touch her it all comes out, and it's a lot. I really don't know what do. It's been for a few months.
(b)Editor's Note:(/b) Have you taken your dog to the vet? It could be a lot of reasons from just normal shedding, a flea allergy, mange, or another health problem.
(03/24/2007)By ophilia
Our dog has the same problem. I just read a wonderful website. WWW.ENZYME.COM I believe this is whats going to save my dog. Our dog has been "diagnosed" by a vet for allergies yet nothing he's done had helped her. I am going to try this Enzyme Yeast treatment. I think that is whats wrong with her and the vets don't want to tell you because they want your money.
By SoldierLover
My Australian Shepherd is losing fur along his collar line and along both thighs, this didn't start until I went on a trip for 6 weeks and I noticed it when I came back, what can I do to help his fur come back. (11/28/2007)
Hi, my chihuahua has an extreme problem with fleas. I washed him with flea shampoo and the next day we was infested again. This morning i discovered a bald patch that looked like a handful of hair had just been shaved off. Because he's so small the bald patch is about 1/10 of his whole body. I'm really worried and my parents are buying frontline plus again. I don't know what's wrong with him and what I can do. (12/03/2007)
By Jacky
I have a small mixed breed ( possible chihuahua/dachshund ) and she already has had a bout of mange which she had 2 small patches of hair loss. Our vet gave me a cream which we applied for about 7-8 weeks and the spots have been fine for over a month now. But now she is losing hair a lot all over, no patches though. The hair on her belly is now very thin and when you pet her, the hair just flies off her. She doesn't seem to be bothered by any itching. Any thoughts? (08/14/2008)
By dory's mom
Hi, we have a female GSP that is losing hair every day, however she is still fully covered in fact has increased some hair down her back which is quite thick. She has no skin issues and is showered once a week. We need to sweep each day if she is in the house. She is 4 1/2 years old.
4 days ago without any symptoms she collapsed and died from acute myeliod leukemia, she had no white blood cells or platelets at the time she collapsed and had been active in the days before. We are not sure if this hair loss was a sign. She had been to the vet previously, he said this may be heat related.(08/22/2008)
By Gary
I have a golden Labrador nearly 13 who is losing hair near her bottom area. I have asked the vet who has said nothing to worry about, but she seems to be losing more and more each day. Any ideas? (09/11/2008)
By Julie
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