My dog is constantly losing its fur. What can the problem be?
I'm surprised by how many people use rather radical methods because a dog is shedding. While you always want to check with a vet, there is probably a very simple solution! Most people tend to feed their dogs lots of dry food, and very little wet food, if any at all. This simply reduces the amount of oil and fat they get in their diet. Like all animals with hair, dogs need this oil and fat to help them maintain a healthy coat. Without it, they start shedding like mad.
Use eggs, olive oil, or other oily/fatty replacements with their food to help create a healthy coat. You don't need to buy any fancy products, just a little olive oil on the dry food can have a noticeable effect. (12/16/2008)
By Ayshala
Some dogs are allergic to wheat or corn in their food. Corn is very common in most dog foods and treats, and if there is an allergy, the dog's hair will fall out and they will begin scratching. Our dog is allergic to corn and we started buying a natural, corn-free food at our local pet store and it helped tremendously. Also, we started bathing him with a gentle oatmeal shampoo to keep his skin from drying out. (12/16/2008)
By ajf54
This has also been happening to my daughter's cat, her cat is loosing her fir in about 1 inch patches and the skin gets raw with scabs on it. At first (back about 3 years ago, we thought it was from fleas, but the vet said it was probably more likely an allergy to the fleas, but the cat has no fleas. But my daughter has to get her a cortisone shot every 6 months or so when the sores get really bad. This only helps, it usually won't make it go totally away.
I talked to some knowledgeable folks at a specialty pet food store and they told me it might be a food allergy, but even though we've tried special "allergy" cat foods the cat is too much of a picky eater and won't eat it. Here's what I'm getting to, I was very surprised when they also told me that pets can loose their fur, by just being under stress! Is your dog under stress? Did you bring another animal into the house or is he afraid of another dog in the neighborhood? Did you suddenly go to work and leave him home by himself or something like that?
This is where I get my answers, from Mud Bay Granary. You can call them and ask questions, but they also have lots of info up on their web site! One of the things they recommend for animals fur and skin is salmon oil and other Omega 3s. I know your dog's skin isn't itchy, but I did pull up their info on the subject. They are happy to answer questions over the phone and have an 800 number, but they don't ship through the mail.
Mud Bay Grainery: (12/16/2008)
By Cyinda
I found my answer on this website. Neem oil! You can get neem shampoo for your pets and it will heal their skin even if it is mange. Of course, my first recommendation is the vet. I bathe my pets with neem shampoo at least once a month and no more skin problems. (12/19/2008)
By stngray
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