
Dog Pooping In His Own Bed?

March 17, 2017

I have two 1 year old Beagle puppy brothers. They are not potty trained, but they do use potty pads very well. My biggest issue is that they constantly poop on their bed. I've had to buy 3 new beds for them.


We always buy a large bed definitely big enough for the both of them to have room to spread out and be comfortable and they actually like sleeping together. We wash the bed cover once a week so it's always fresh and they love to rub their faces in the bed when it comes out of the dryer.

First their bed was in a huge crate. They started pooping on it. We assumed the crate was the issue even though it's big enough to fit like 3 German Shepherds. So we moved the bed next to ours and it didn't change anything. Except now they pee on it too.

They do get taken out every few hours. The whole time we've had them (since they were 8 weeks old) either my fiance or I have been able to stay home (ie., if he works I don't and vice versa) so they're basically never in the crate unless they do something really bad, like chew up my bathroom door while I take a 45 minute nap even though they were not confined to the bathroom.

Anyway. Why are my dogs pooping in the one place they really shouldn't?


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March 17, 20170 found this helpful

Dogs usually don't defecate where they eat or sleep. You need to take them to a vet to see if there are physical issues.

September 27, 20171 found this helpful

My shitzu does the same thing--be to the vet --nothing wrong with her--she even eats he poo--I have 2 one is very clean they use to sleep in the same create and I had to separate them so I now have only one dirty smelly dog instead of two. I have done every thing the vet said and anyone else nothing seems to work both dogs are a year old---I am at the point that I really do not want this dog---but don't want to get rid of her--I have had since she was 8 weeks--I have left her out in the pen for 3 hours she will come in and mess her bed--what can I do

October 10, 20181 found this helpful

I have 2 female chawawas 4months old , sisters. Im having the same problem. Its just the one bigger one that gets her sisters poo and puts it in theyre bed. She shreds puppy pads also. The small white one always uses her pad , when its not rolled up in a ball and shredded .


This web site really is not helpful same answer to all questions. I noticed Im not alone , it seems when there are 2 dogs it is more prevelant. Wondering if its a territorial thing.

April 10, 20191 found this helpful

I'm having some of the same problem with my 2, 4 month old Chihuahuas... one male, one female... from different breeders. Why do they do that? I have always been told that dogs will Not go potty where they sleep.... and I'm here to tell you, that's So Not true!! They will, and they do!! I wish they didn't.

May 23, 20190 found this helpful

I have the same problem, my 10 month old Tenterfield Terrier eats his own sh*t and sh*ts on his bedding, he drags his bedding out of his kennel into a sunny spot and shits on it. I bought him a brand new plush blanket and bathed him before he used it, thought if he smelled nice and fresh as the blanket he would be fine, nope!

July 3, 20191 found this helpful

No helpful answers on here. My dog the same. Then she walks in it and its spread everywhere.

October 14, 20190 found this helpful

I have a 2 year old Giant Schnauzer. She poops on her dog bed occasionally.
Whats up with that?

July 6, 20210 found this helpful

I took my chieeiwini to the vet for peeing on her bed and the vet checked her and said there's nothing wrong with her physically I have never seen this kind of behavior before

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

March 29, 2006

I have a 1 year old long haired Chihuahua who has been pooping in his own bed the last couple of days while I am at work. He stays in my big bathroom because he chews everything and after being potty trained using a crate he has never gone to the bathroom in the house. Now he is going in his own bed and still sleeping in his bed, next to his poop. Why do you think he is doing this?

I was gone for a week and I have been back for almost two weeks now and he started doing this a couple of days ago. My job allows me to be home a good amount of my day. I thought if dogs were mad they would go to the bathroom to get attention but not in their own beds. Please let me know what advice you can give me. Thanks so much!

Louda99 from Tampa, FL


By Rosa (Guest Post)
March 29, 20060 found this helpful

first take him to the dr for a check up, there maybe something wrong with him. If not he is probably missing you, after all he is still very young.He may just be lonely and this may be his way of showing you he needs more attention and love

By Glinda (Guest Post)
March 29, 20060 found this helpful

Chi's are very possessive of their owners. I would get him checked first, doing it in their bed is very unusual. I've had mine mad at me before, but, they never soiled the sleeping or eating area. They do like to chew when they're mad at you for leaving them. I had it easier with the "mad chewing", or pottying, once I got another chihuahua to keep the first one company.


It takes time to bond when they're not raised together, but, the benefits are well worth the effort. Get a very young one to bond with the first one, so the first is the "alfa" dog. Good luck.

By Carol in PA (Guest Post)
March 30, 20060 found this helpful

I'd have him checked by the veternarian. It sounds like he's sick. Animals dont soil where they sleep.

August 3, 20130 found this helpful

My dog is doing this he has suddenly taking a dislike to being in a pen and had started crapping in his bed although he has been in a pen at night since day 1. He also does it if I put him in the kitchen or do anything he dislikes. I went on holiday and put him in boarding kennels he came home and for the first day he was fine day 2 and 3 were hell he refused to do the toilet outside and did it all on my carpet. I believe my dog has done this on purpose as I would take him out and he would come straight in a squat down on the carpet.


I came across this post when I was looking for tips to stop these dirty protests he is going through. I also had him neutered he had to wear a cone for 2 days he refused to do the toilet outside I took the cone off and shock he went back to going outside. I love my dog and for the first few months he was perfect never did anything wrong, but I believe he is doing these dirty protests to get his own way I gave him full run of the house as he hated it in kitchen and was alway messing. This went on for weeks and when I gave him the full run of the house he went back to doing the toilet outside, I have 2 children and really don't want to re home him he gets daily walks he also gets so much love and attention he wants for nothing. I also take him out last thing at night. x

July 6, 20160 found this helpful

why does my dog age 7 years poo on his bedding

January 13, 20200 found this helpful

Why are people constantly saying dogs dont pee and poo in their sleeping area?? There are literally thousands of dog owners asking the same i am!! My two chi's have always peed in their beds and nothing ive done had been able to prevent it. Please stop telling people its unusual and that there may be something wrong with their causes worry and its enough to put up with when you're constantly washing bedding.


There is no medical problems with my boys and I have no answer as yet as to why they pee in their bed, but they are now 8 years old...i dont think anything will change now!! Yes...dogs certainly DO pee and poo in their sleeping areas!!!

January 23, 20220 found this helpful

Not true...many poop in their own beds

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February 19, 2019

I have a Chihuahua and she goes outside very well, but she has a small piece of her poop in bed with her. I get rid of it, but she poops just a little and there is another piece in her bed.

What does this mean and will she stop? She is 13 months old.


February 20, 20190 found this helpful


Often this happens because the puppy poops and there is a hair or something holding a small piece on to the behind. After they move around a bit, it will fall off. I would give her more water and see if that helps. Puppies like to eat everything, and some of that is bits of hair and string fibers. I see this in my chis all the time.



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