
Donating Un-used Greeting Cards?

I had a member of my family that worked for a greeting card company and received many cards that were never sold. I now have many cards that I would love to give away. I just don't know who to give them to. Any help would be needed, I get more every few months.


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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
June 12, 20180 found this helpful

A schools art department, senior citizen center, Girl Scout troop.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
June 12, 20180 found this helpful

Sadly there is a glut of cards and not a lot of people who need them.

When my nephews were little (they are in their late teens now), greeting cards were on their pre-school's list for items to donate. So if you have a local preschool nearby you can check with them.


Personally, I have had huge success over the years selling unused greeting cards online (I had a collection dating back to cards that were my grandmothers' through contemporary that I needed to downsize).

I did eBay, but Etsy is also an option (but they charge a small listing fee). Many artists use them for scrapbooking and assemblages (and some folks still love sending a handwritten card).

This auction was NOT one of I finally sold off the last of my collection last year....but shows an example of the success you can have with them and how to word and ad:

This person earned $20 less fees. Buyer always pays postage.The one price boxes from the USPS are free and make it MUCH easier to figure the shipping costs.


You could sell them and donate the profits to your favorite charity if you wanted.

With eBay, the listing process is easy and the first 50 auctions a month have no listing fees. I recommend setting it up as a Fixed Price/Buy it Now/Good until cancelled auction...then you can let it sit and when someone is short in their stash, they can find your action and buy it, you can seal up the box, address, and ship.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
June 12, 20180 found this helpful

You could check with the activity director at local nursing homes and assisted living facilities. They often use cards for craft activities.

Churches sometimes have a designated person who sends get well card, sympathy cards, etc. to members. I'm sure they would appreciate donated cards.


Daycare centers are another place where cards can be used for various craft activities.

December 3, 20180 found this helpful

our church is starting a share care card ministry in our community. we could use the cards. thank you


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