Somehow I had collected several pieces of glass from picture frames over the past few years and came up with this idea how to make an all-glass picture frame.
Total Time: 1 hour
Yield: 1
- bath salts
- acrylic craft paint
- printed picture
- two pieces of glass the same sizee
- craft glue
- mod podge
- wood for display base
- dry erase marker
- 1 1x4 inch piece of lumber

- Place a printed picture behind one of the two pieces of glass, gluing around the edges of the back of the picture. Set this piece of glass aside. Allow to dry.
Lay the top piece of glass over the bottom piece of glass to determine where the edges of the picture are and using a dry erase marker, draw around the edges of the pictures on the glass so you will know where to decorate. 
- To decorate the top of the glass, since I was doing a lake theme, I colored the bath salts by placing them in two bowls and using two different colors of paint, one for the "sky" and one for the "sand." I mixed the bath salts and let them dry completely.
Next, I painted mod podge on the glass around the picture where I wanted to place the sand and repeated the same thing where I wanted to place the sky. I placed the glass onto an old cookie sheet I use for crafting to keep mess to a minimum.
Then, I sprinkled the sand onto the mod podge areas and let dry completely. I shook off the excess bath salts. The perimeter of the picture was filled with colored bath salt.
Glue the glass front to the glass back of the frame with craft glue around the edges and let dry completely.
- To display the picture, we made a wood base out of the lumber and cut the length to extend a few inches past the length of the glass frames. We used a table saw to cut a crevice in the middle of the wood, about 1/2 inch deep. Then, you can stain or paint the wood. Place glass in the crevice to display.

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January 10, 20220 found this helpful
Great idea! I have accumulated glass from yard sales. Trying to figure out how to hang with my DIY stained glass project, but may use your idea!

January 10, 20220 found this helpful
Glad to inspire you!
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