How long should Kilz dry before sanding?
By Diane from Franklin, TN
I assume you are talking about sanding between coats of paint. What are you painting?
If it's walls, you don't need to sand between coats. I let my primer dry from 2 hours to overnight. I think the can says 1 hour. If it's craft projects, then you still don't need to sand heavily. You just lightly go over the item with light sandpaper then dust it with a clean microfiber cloth. Your craft paint will adhere just fine.
Having said that I should tell you that I never sand between coats of primer on craft projects, only between coats of paint.
I'm not sure why you're sanding after priming? You should really do any wall repair and get it where you want it and then prime.
I know this article is 10 years old,, however, there is no straight forward, direct, to the point answer without suffering through "shouldn't need to, why would you, it's Monday so why not, ect ect ect,,," From very recent experience,, It does not sand well. Even after several days drying it still tends to roll/ball up onto sandpaper.. I switched to Zinzzar BIN. You may needs more coats but it sands out great with No issues. I waited overnight.