
Easy Turtle Craft for Kids

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Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - cup cake liner turtleMy kids enjoy having a "pet" themed art piece to accompany their book when it's story time. Last week, we read a book, from the library, so they wanted to make a turtle too.


This is an easy and fun craft, you may have all the supplies on hand already too!

Total Time: 20 minutes + drying time

Source: Inspired by Pinterest


Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - supplies


  1. Paint your craft stick a shade of green. Allow to dry.
  2. Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - paint the craft sticks green and allow to dry
  3. Using a cupcake liner, flatten with your hands, and then puff back up slightly.
  4. Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - green cup cake liner with tiny
    Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - flatten
    Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - flat liner
    Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - slightly puffed back up
  5. Using green scrapbook paper, freestyle the head and tail of the turtle.
  6. Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - cut head from green paper
    Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - cut tail

  7. Hot glue down wiggly eyes to the head of the turtle.
  8. Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - glue wiggle eyes in place
  9. Once paint has dried, as shown below - create a crisscross "X" shape and hot glue the center down (wider in the front).
  10. Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - make an X with painted sticks
    Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - shape is wider in front
  11. Secure the shell of the turtle (cupcake liner) with dots of hot glue on the stick.
  12. Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - glue cupcake liner to sticks
  13. Apply tape to the tip of the turtle head and some glue stick for extra reinforcement. Secure onto the cupcake liner and do the same with the tail.
  14. Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - tape on head
    Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - view of underside with head and tail in place

  15. Finished turtle.
  16. Easy Turtle Craft for Kids - tape and glue on the head

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Crafts Crafts For KidsJuly 9, 2018
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