For easy removal of wallpaper, score the paper first and then use fabric softener on it. Wait fifteen minutes and peel it off, it will come off easily.
By Colleen
I use Dawn Dish Soap and Lemon Juice mixed with warm water. Using a sponge dampen surface let sit and then peel away, It works best on the glue part that really sticks to the wall. (12/06/2004)
By Dawn B.
Not all papers are a 1-2-3 snap. Some papers, depending how they were made and how they were hung, can be a nightmare to remove. Sometimes you are better off cutting out the seams with a razor and level with spackle and sand thoroughly - then prime the paper and apply two finish coats over the existing wallpaper. Don't misunderstand me. If the paper comes off well, by all means remove it. In a case where the removal of wallpaper badly damages the drywall, stop and consider painting over it.
I have done wallpaper removal jobs that have destroyed the drywall due to the wallpaper being hung over unprimed/painted walls. And I have also done jobs where the paper practically falls off the wall with a few sprays of water.
If you chose to remove paper, the easiest way to do the job is to fill a garden sprayer with hot water and add a wallpaper removing solution, then saturate the wallpaper several times. (The wallpaper removing solution is sold at wallpaper/paint and home improvement centers) Some papers need to be perforated first prior to saturation. And some papers have a vinyl top layer that is easy to remove dry, leaving a paper backing that needs to be removed using the garden sprayer, hot water and solution. There are also fabric back vinyl's that pull off easily leaving a wall full of paste.
Grannies old fashion remedy went out the window years ago. :o (05/06/2007)
By Anthony
I used the fabric conditioner in hot water to removed wallpaper. This worked a treat. Leave it on for about 10 minutes, and the wall paper came off no problem. (09/18/2008)
By Bernie H.
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