
Easy Wallpaper Removal

For easy removal of wallpaper, score the paper first and then use fabric softener on it. Wait fifteen minutes and peel it off, it will come off easily.

By Colleen


Easy Wallpaper Removal

I use Dawn Dish Soap and Lemon Juice mixed with warm water. Using a sponge dampen surface let sit and then peel away, It works best on the glue part that really sticks to the wall. (12/06/2004)


By Dawn B.

Easy Wallpaper Removal


Not all papers are a 1-2-3 snap. Some papers, depending how they were made and how they were hung, can be a nightmare to remove. Sometimes you are better off cutting out the seams with a razor and level with spackle and sand thoroughly - then prime the paper and apply two finish coats over the existing wallpaper. Don't misunderstand me. If the paper comes off well, by all means remove it. In a case where the removal of wallpaper badly damages the drywall, stop and consider painting over it.

I have done wallpaper removal jobs that have destroyed the drywall due to the wallpaper being hung over unprimed/painted walls. And I have also done jobs where the paper practically falls off the wall with a few sprays of water.


If you chose to remove paper, the easiest way to do the job is to fill a garden sprayer with hot water and add a wallpaper removing solution, then saturate the wallpaper several times. (The wallpaper removing solution is sold at wallpaper/paint and home improvement centers) Some papers need to be perforated first prior to saturation. And some papers have a vinyl top layer that is easy to remove dry, leaving a paper backing that needs to be removed using the garden sprayer, hot water and solution. There are also fabric back vinyl's that pull off easily leaving a wall full of paste.

Grannies old fashion remedy went out the window years ago. :o (05/06/2007)

By Anthony

Easy Wallpaper Removal

I used the fabric conditioner in hot water to removed wallpaper. This worked a treat. Leave it on for about 10 minutes, and the wall paper came off no problem. (09/18/2008)


By Bernie H.

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