We all have unused games laying around. Some have educational information cards, like Trivia. Take the cards and put a few on the table, next to salt and pepper, Interact at dinner by asking questions, the answers are on the back, you would be surprised how much kids know and how much kids love doing this.
When you know all the answers, change them out; pick up more games at yard sales. It's educational and the family does something together, a win-win situation.
Source: Restaurant at OBX
By ann from Climax, NC
This is a great idea! The first road trip I took with my husband, then fiance, I bought some cards I found in the valentine section of walmart. Just had questions on them to start a conversation. I loved it, we talked for hours using these cards. Now I do something similar when I play cards with my parents and husband. The guys have such a tendency to sit there and not talk, and me and mom carry the conversation. So I ask a question that each person has to answer. One night it will be movie questions, whats your favorite comedy, whats your favorite line from Die Hard, etc. Then it might be if you won a million dollars what would you do with the money. If you could build your own house what would it look like, details. This keeps the guys involved and we have a lot of laughs trying to outdo one another.
When my kids were growing up I would buy a Word a Day calendar (after Christmas when they went on sale). We would learn the new word every night at supper! They all have better than average vocabularies and learning was fun!
Grandma Jan
Unfortunately we always had the TV on. This is such a good idea, a sane way to enjoy a meal with the ones you love.
Terrific idea! We have cards like that but get so busy and those are forgotten about. I will find ours and place them around the house in addition to placing some on our kitchen table.